After a lengthy vacation, the SportsBlender is plugged in and ready to blend.
Can you believe someone actually offered Mike Vick a shoe deal. I mean c'mon you think that the second Nike wanted nothing to do with him, no one else would either.
But I guess that proves Mike is still a commodity. I thought shoe execs would be smarter. But I guess that proves the business savvy of the people at "Hush Puppies."
But that can be no worse than younger brother Marcus. His NFL career never really amounted to much. But nevertheless he found work. He is now a cheerleading coach at Bringham Young University and a spokesman for SONY camcorders.
Did any one really get the Bringham Young joke?
You stay classy sportsblender!
Like what you read or do you want to kick me in the face? Tell me about it, I would love to read your comments!!!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
Life without the Rocket

In a sports story that has dominated the headlines all over the country, except for my local newspaper that ran with NASCAR, (Yes, I am in a cultural wasteland.)Roger Clemens signed a deal with the Devil once again. I would have said he sold his soul, but I don't think you can sell it twice can you? Or maybe Roger's journey is kind of like that Simpson's episode where Homer sells his soul for a doughnut, but doesn't quite finish it. Thus not finishing the deal with the Devil. He just put the forbidden doughnut in his "fridge" surrounded by post-it notes saying, "Do Not Eat!" Though temptation was still there and Homer ate the doughnut while sleep walking. Homer would then be put on trial by the Devil, who happened to be Ned Flanders(Okily Dokily?). Homer's trial would be heard by a group of his peers, "The Jury of the Damned." Those jurors included: John Wilkes Booth, Benedict Arnold, Richard Nixon (who was still alive at the time), and the 1976 Philadelphia Flyers front line.
Climatic television at it pinnacle!

Roger did not sell his soul the first time around with the Yankees. He actually saved face by becoming a "family man" and going home to Houston. Sure he only showed up when he wanted to, but Rocket's decision to play not just for the money but to be home more gave us hope in Roger. However when the Rocket signed the dotted line on Sunday, he finished what he started and ate the last morsel of the forbidden doughnut!
He will now be judged by baseball's jury of the damned. The jury includes:

Victor Conte, owner of BALCO who has single handily screwed up baseball. Do you think Conte knew as a child that he would be Major League Baseball's Anti-Christ? You would figure that Victor would use some of the products himself, right?
I think Joe Pesci or even Danny DeVito would destroy him in a street fight. Heck throw in Verne Troyer too. Whoa, this sounds like the making of a Fox Special, "Celebrity 'Small People' Royal Rumble." The only problem would be instead of elimination by being thrown OVER the top rope, you would have to be thrown UNDER the bottom rope. Man, I need to pitch this idea somewhere! We could have interference by Gary Coleman and Emmanuel Lewis. Mugsy Bogues and Spud Webb could be a tag team. Ok ... I gotta move on here, I'm getting a headache!

Steve Bartman, infamous Cubs fan who may have cost the Cubs the National League title. Of course Cub fans will blame Bartman for their collapse and dropping 2 straight games to the eventual Champion Florida Marlins. Other fans were reaching for the ball too. Anyone will say, "Oh man, I would've gotten out of the way! What a jerk!" Just shut up! If a ball were coming into the first row of the stands 96% of fans would want that ball and try to catch it. 2% would be too drunk to notice. 1% would be that person who really doesn't like baseball or understand it; they just got the ticket "for the experience," and the final 1% would be those idiots who leave their seats [DURING THE GAME] to go use the bathroom. Stop blaming Bartman!

The "Chicago White Trash" combo, William Ligue Jr and his 15 year old,"Redneck Jr." jumped KC Royals first base coach Tom Gamboa at a White Sox game in 2002. Ok, covered in tats, drunk, no shirt,a mullet, and wearing black denim jeans, Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! (notice the punch that is about to be landed on this guy. I remember seeing this on SportsCenter, I think he got spiked too!)

The next juror is former Yankee Third basemen Aaron Boone. You know I am sure he is great guy who loves his family, but I'm not a fan. In 2003, he took an extra inning knuckleball deep in to the New York night, propelling the "Pinstripes" to the World Series. A pain that would haunt me until the Sox would avenge this defeat in 4 straight ALCS games the following season. He's a juror because I am a bitter, bitter man!

And the foreman of this "Jury of the Damned" is "The Boss," George Steinbrenner. Do I dislike him because he owns the Yankees? Sure! But unlike most Boston fans, this is not my main reason for not liking the good ol' George. It is well known that despite numerous injuries to their pitching staff, the Yankees are not off to a very "Yankeesque" start. But after the Yankees dropped yet another series, at home, to the Boston Red Sox, George was quoted as saying that perhaps a change needed to be made. That change was Manager Joe Torre. Now, I am not saying that Torre is the World's Greatest Manager, anyone can win with a 200 million dollar payroll, but someone needs to keep all of the egos in check. Torre is that guy. The Yankees love to play for him and he loves to manage his club. The idea the Steinbrenner would even leak firing Torre is why regular people, who know baseball, hate the Yankees.
Ok, let's talk about Roger ....
You know, when I arrived at work today, I was waiting for it. I was expecting one my friends to approach me and say, "So, uh what do you think about Clemens?" And, of course, it happened. As my friend asked the question, I saw it in his eyes. I saw the anticipation, he was waiting for just that right moment when I would noticeably squirm and try to make up an excuse as to why I wasn't mad that Clemens signed in New York. He wanted to see me fall to my knees, lay in fetal position and cry, "Why Rocket, WHY????" And like clockwork, that time came.
As a baseball fan, I wanted Clemens to wear his old #21 and retire where he should have spent his entire career, Beantown baby .. YEAH BEANTOWN! As a Red Sox fan, I wanted Roger Clemens to take his spot on the greatest pitching staff in the history of mankind! Imagine a rotation of Clemens, Schilling, Beckett, Dice K and Jon Lester. Protected by a bullpen of Wakefield, Taverez, Donnelly, Romero, Timlin, Chad Cordero (There is NO WAY he is staying in DC) and the best closer in baseball, Jonathan Papelbon. Wow. But, that's not what happened. So what do we do? We keep winning games, we take 2 out of 3 from New York every time and we stay healthy!
The oft outspoken Curt Schilling said, ""It would have been nice to have him, but we didn't need him. We don't need him." From the eyes of a Generic General Manager [me] standpoint, I am glad we didn't get him. A prorated salary of 4.5 Mil a month is freaking crazy! That basically means $10,000 per pitch, $5000 per bullpen session, and $1000 per use of the restroom. Besides, currently the Red Sox starters rank 2nd in the AL in ERA and the bullpen is 2nd as well. And I am going to predict this right now, the Red Sox will make a move in July/August if the pitching becomes thin. Maybe they will add Chad Cordero or maybe a number of potential free agents.
I just hope all of the Yankee fans out there realize that Roger Clemens is not your Savior. Even though he has this "Hero Complex" thing going on he cannot do it alone.The Yankees Big 3 outfielders [Damon,Matsui,Abreu] are batting a combined .258 and the way things are going now, your bullpen will have no gas left in the tank come July 1. Furthermore Yankee fans, please don't whine and cry about your injury problems, the AL East Pennant was going to fly in Boston after last season until injuries got in the way! So Yankee fans you can cry loud enough for the world to hear. You can write a song about it a la Justin Timberlake when Brit was cheating on him ... we don't care. Because you are Timberlake and we are the dude Brittany is seeing on the side.
As for you Rocket, we'll see how you do in your first start, Saturday June 2 at Fenway Park against Curt Schilling and the Boston Red Sox. However, if I were Francona and Theo, I would start Jon Lester. Because a comeback from cancer rather than being a comeback drama queen is far more impressive!
You stay classy Sportsblender,
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
A week away ...
I haven't posted a new blog in a few days. I had 2 brand new ones to post a week ago yesterday. However due to the tragedy at Virginia Tech, I failed to post them.
As most Americans, I sat last week in disbelief. I sat in silence. I sat in mourning of 32 people I have never met.
I have lived in Virginia for almost 5 years now. I know a few people who go to Tech. I have been to Tech for a few football games. Though I directly have no ties with the University; only a mere t shirt I wore to the Tech/Miami game 2 seasons ago.
However, as an "educator" and as a father I watched the events unfold on my laptop as well as on my television. Is this the world that my 18 month old daughter Briley will have to grow up in? Will I nervously remember Virginia Tech and Columbine every day as I kiss her goodbye? Or will that day be the last that I see Lindsay, as we both work in public schools.
As I tried to keep pace with any new information that was coming out of Blacksburg something arose out of the ashes of the deadliest school shooting in American History. Something that defined us as a country. Something that proved to the world once and for all, why the United States of America can not and will never be broken.
What arose from the ashes like the mighty Phoenix ... Hope.
When your world is falling apart. When the very foundation your life sits upon begins to crumble and the ground you are standing upon begins to break away; all you have is hope.
32 lives were senselessly taken away. No one can truly speculate why. The most brilliant of psychologist cannot explain why a student would go on this rampage.
And no one will ever truly know the toll this will take on each individual family affected, even the family of the shooter.
But there is hope.
On Friday April 20, 2007, on the 8th Anniversary of the Columbine shootings, these United States of America once again would rise to the occasion. In a show of support from California to Maine, people everywhere were Hokies. In an act that will go down in American History, business men put their 3 piece suits in the closet instead choosing maroon and orange, teachers put away their ties instead choosing maroon and orange, and college students everywhere put away their school colors instead choosing maroon and orange. On that day we were one. We were united. We were Virginia Tech.
April 21 was to be a great day on the Blacksburg campus. As football fans would get their first glimpse of the 2007-2008 Hokie football team. However, Head Football Coach Frank Beamer cancelled the scrimmage saying that athletics is the last thing on his mind as well as the students minds. Though in an emotional showing of compassion, the Hokie Nation found itself in State College,PA., about 500 miles away from it's Blacksburg home. Instead of lighting up the stands of Lane Stadium in a brilliant array of maroon and orange, Beaver Stadium became the canvas for this masterpiece.
In a tribute that many sports fans will forever hold dear, the Penn State student section were in full "maroon effect." A university that proudly supports it's Nitany Lions wearing Blue and white, created a moment that would make anyone proud to be a fan of collegiate sports.

Will I get back to my snide comments about the Yankees? Yes
Will I second guess every move my Washington Redskins make? Yes
Will I continue to support Barry Bonds? Yes
Will I continue to predict the Pirates as a contender? Yes
Will I ever forget the compassion shown throughout this country toward Virginia Tech? Never
Famed poet and Tech Professor, Nikki Giovanni said it best,
"We are Virginia Tech.
We are sad today, and we will be sad for quite a while. We are not moving on, we are embracing our mourning.
We are Virginia Tech.
We are strong enough to stand tall tearlessly, we are brave enough to bend to cry, and we are sad enough to know that we must laugh again.
We are Virginia Tech.
We do not understand this tragedy. We know we did nothing to deserve it, but neither does a child in Africa dying of AIDS, neither do the invisible children walking the night away to avoid being captured by the rogue army, neither does the baby elephant watching his community being devastated for ivory, neither does the Mexican child looking for fresh water, neither does the Appalachian infant killed in the middle of the night in his crib in the home his father built with his own hands being run over by a boulder because the land was destabilized. No one deserves a tragedy.
We are Virginia Tech.
The Hokie Nation embraces our own and reaches out with open heart and hands to those who offer their hearts and minds. We are strong, and brave, and innocent, and unafraid. We are better than we think and not quite what we want to be. We are alive to the imaginations and the possibilities. We will continue to invent the future through our blood and tears and through all our sadness.
We are the Hokies.
We will prevail.
We will prevail.
We will prevail.
We are Virginia Tech."
To this day, I am still not totally sure what a Hokie really is but nevertheless,
You stay classy Sportsblender,
As most Americans, I sat last week in disbelief. I sat in silence. I sat in mourning of 32 people I have never met.
I have lived in Virginia for almost 5 years now. I know a few people who go to Tech. I have been to Tech for a few football games. Though I directly have no ties with the University; only a mere t shirt I wore to the Tech/Miami game 2 seasons ago.
However, as an "educator" and as a father I watched the events unfold on my laptop as well as on my television. Is this the world that my 18 month old daughter Briley will have to grow up in? Will I nervously remember Virginia Tech and Columbine every day as I kiss her goodbye? Or will that day be the last that I see Lindsay, as we both work in public schools.
As I tried to keep pace with any new information that was coming out of Blacksburg something arose out of the ashes of the deadliest school shooting in American History. Something that defined us as a country. Something that proved to the world once and for all, why the United States of America can not and will never be broken.
What arose from the ashes like the mighty Phoenix ... Hope.
When your world is falling apart. When the very foundation your life sits upon begins to crumble and the ground you are standing upon begins to break away; all you have is hope.
32 lives were senselessly taken away. No one can truly speculate why. The most brilliant of psychologist cannot explain why a student would go on this rampage.
And no one will ever truly know the toll this will take on each individual family affected, even the family of the shooter.
But there is hope.
On Friday April 20, 2007, on the 8th Anniversary of the Columbine shootings, these United States of America once again would rise to the occasion. In a show of support from California to Maine, people everywhere were Hokies. In an act that will go down in American History, business men put their 3 piece suits in the closet instead choosing maroon and orange, teachers put away their ties instead choosing maroon and orange, and college students everywhere put away their school colors instead choosing maroon and orange. On that day we were one. We were united. We were Virginia Tech.
April 21 was to be a great day on the Blacksburg campus. As football fans would get their first glimpse of the 2007-2008 Hokie football team. However, Head Football Coach Frank Beamer cancelled the scrimmage saying that athletics is the last thing on his mind as well as the students minds. Though in an emotional showing of compassion, the Hokie Nation found itself in State College,PA., about 500 miles away from it's Blacksburg home. Instead of lighting up the stands of Lane Stadium in a brilliant array of maroon and orange, Beaver Stadium became the canvas for this masterpiece.
In a tribute that many sports fans will forever hold dear, the Penn State student section were in full "maroon effect." A university that proudly supports it's Nitany Lions wearing Blue and white, created a moment that would make anyone proud to be a fan of collegiate sports.

Will I get back to my snide comments about the Yankees? Yes
Will I second guess every move my Washington Redskins make? Yes
Will I continue to support Barry Bonds? Yes
Will I continue to predict the Pirates as a contender? Yes
Will I ever forget the compassion shown throughout this country toward Virginia Tech? Never
Famed poet and Tech Professor, Nikki Giovanni said it best,
"We are Virginia Tech.
We are sad today, and we will be sad for quite a while. We are not moving on, we are embracing our mourning.
We are Virginia Tech.
We are strong enough to stand tall tearlessly, we are brave enough to bend to cry, and we are sad enough to know that we must laugh again.
We are Virginia Tech.
We do not understand this tragedy. We know we did nothing to deserve it, but neither does a child in Africa dying of AIDS, neither do the invisible children walking the night away to avoid being captured by the rogue army, neither does the baby elephant watching his community being devastated for ivory, neither does the Mexican child looking for fresh water, neither does the Appalachian infant killed in the middle of the night in his crib in the home his father built with his own hands being run over by a boulder because the land was destabilized. No one deserves a tragedy.
We are Virginia Tech.
The Hokie Nation embraces our own and reaches out with open heart and hands to those who offer their hearts and minds. We are strong, and brave, and innocent, and unafraid. We are better than we think and not quite what we want to be. We are alive to the imaginations and the possibilities. We will continue to invent the future through our blood and tears and through all our sadness.
We are the Hokies.
We will prevail.
We will prevail.
We will prevail.
We are Virginia Tech."
To this day, I am still not totally sure what a Hokie really is but nevertheless,
You stay classy Sportsblender,
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
3 MORE YEARS .....
Tuesday Texas "frosh phenom" Kevin Durant declared that he was going to forgo his final 3 years of college and enter the NBA draft. This announcement was as stunning a revelation as the fact that Howard K. Stern is not Anna Nicole's "baby daddy." However, the status of Ohio State big man Greg Oden is not as clear. NBA Execs are foaming at the mouth at these 2 "future franchises." Many will never admit it but some teams appear to be tanking just, in hopes that their ping pong ball will be either pick #1 or pick #2. Players like Boston's Paul Pierce is now out for the remainder of the season with an elbow problem, uhhhh right. Other players from teams not located in Phoenix, Dallas, San Antonio, Detroit and Miami may want to consider feeding their players recalled Peanut Butter as well as have them on asbestos duty around their arena.

However teams may have to play and try harder to lose, because I believe Ohio State big man Greg Oden should remain in college. Thus making the #1 the only "sure fired" thing. Though I know that staying in Columbus is a very, very hard sell for Thad Motta as well as the Ohio State Boosters. (Disclaimer: I am in no way saying that the OSU Boosters will try to sweeten the deal for Oden by giving him money, shoes, cars, outfits, or a luxury home for his family or any of the other perks that the USC Boosters give their players. Ooops, I said too much.)I know that the NBA is very alluring, especially for a "kid." You have the fame and the fortune at your finger tips. Everything Greg ever dreamed of as a 6'1" first grader is looking at him!! Do you make the jump? Do you get that guaranteed money? Do you look forward to signing a shoe deal worth $20 million like Durant soon will? Or do you stay in college? Instead of a swank NBA Hotel, do you stay in a dorm room? Instead of fine dining, do you settle for whatever that thing is in the cafeteria? If nothing more, history will tell us to stay in college!
In many ways, you can compare Greg Oden to San Antonio F/C Tim Duncan, "The Big Fundamental." In college, Duncan was a raw talent just as Oden is today. However, he knew that there was plenty of room for improvement. He knew that on the next level, he would face athletes that were far more superior than those he dominated in college. Duncan's level of play more than doubled during his 4 years in college. During his Senior season he carried his Demon Deacons to an ACC Championship as well as deep into the tournament in March. He averaged 11 more points during his senior season compared to his freshman year. He also grabbed 5 more rebounds and attained leadership abilities. He would then become the number one draft pick by the San Antonio Spurs and join David Robinson. How did that all work out? He know dominates every night as he did at Wake.
Greg Oden should be the #1 pick in this June's NBA draft. However, if he wants to be great when he gets there instead of eventually becoming great, he will be a Buckeye again! Remember he has yet to play an entire season. His injured wrist kept him out of action until mid December and after that he still wasn't at 100% .. scary!
Is Oden a sure lock to be dominant? Perhaps. But why not hone your skills and then take it to "the league?" However are there ever really any true locks?
If so, what happened to:

Joe Smith:
The number 1 overall pick by the Golden State Warriors in 1995. He was drafted ahead of Rasheed Wallace(4), Kevin Garnett(5), and Michael Finley(21).

Pervis Ellison:
Pervis was the top overall selection by the Sacramento Kings in 1989. He was drafted ahead of Sean Elliot(3), Tim Hardaway(14), and Shawn Kemp(17).

LaRue Martin:
LaRue was the first overall pick by the Portland Trailblazers in 1972. However, the Blazers were not the only idiots. In fact the top 11 teams failed to draft a young man by the name of Julius Erving.

Rick Robey:
He was the third overall selection in 1978, being drafted by the Indianapolis Pacers.
Unfortunately for the Pacers, they forgot about their native son from French Lick. With the sixth pick, the Boston Celtics would select Indiana State star Larry Bird.

Michael Olowokandi:
"The Kandi Man" was the top pick in 1998 by the Los Angeles Clippers. He was drafted ahead of Mike Bibby(2),Antawn Jamison(4), Vince Cater(5), Dirk Nowitzki(9), and Paul Pierce(10).

And who could forget Sam Bowie:
The second overall pick by the Portland Trailblazers in 1984. Sam was chosen ahead of Michael Jordan(3) and Charles Barkley(5). Years after the draft, Trailblazers GM Stu Inman said that if given the same choice he would again pick Sam Bowie. I believe the term to use here is denial.
So I guess there really is no such thing as lock to be the superstar in the NBA, but when it comes to Oden and Durrant, the odds are very high!
You stay classy Sportsblender!

However teams may have to play and try harder to lose, because I believe Ohio State big man Greg Oden should remain in college. Thus making the #1 the only "sure fired" thing. Though I know that staying in Columbus is a very, very hard sell for Thad Motta as well as the Ohio State Boosters. (Disclaimer: I am in no way saying that the OSU Boosters will try to sweeten the deal for Oden by giving him money, shoes, cars, outfits, or a luxury home for his family or any of the other perks that the USC Boosters give their players. Ooops, I said too much.)I know that the NBA is very alluring, especially for a "kid." You have the fame and the fortune at your finger tips. Everything Greg ever dreamed of as a 6'1" first grader is looking at him!! Do you make the jump? Do you get that guaranteed money? Do you look forward to signing a shoe deal worth $20 million like Durant soon will? Or do you stay in college? Instead of a swank NBA Hotel, do you stay in a dorm room? Instead of fine dining, do you settle for whatever that thing is in the cafeteria? If nothing more, history will tell us to stay in college!
In many ways, you can compare Greg Oden to San Antonio F/C Tim Duncan, "The Big Fundamental." In college, Duncan was a raw talent just as Oden is today. However, he knew that there was plenty of room for improvement. He knew that on the next level, he would face athletes that were far more superior than those he dominated in college. Duncan's level of play more than doubled during his 4 years in college. During his Senior season he carried his Demon Deacons to an ACC Championship as well as deep into the tournament in March. He averaged 11 more points during his senior season compared to his freshman year. He also grabbed 5 more rebounds and attained leadership abilities. He would then become the number one draft pick by the San Antonio Spurs and join David Robinson. How did that all work out? He know dominates every night as he did at Wake.
Greg Oden should be the #1 pick in this June's NBA draft. However, if he wants to be great when he gets there instead of eventually becoming great, he will be a Buckeye again! Remember he has yet to play an entire season. His injured wrist kept him out of action until mid December and after that he still wasn't at 100% .. scary!
Is Oden a sure lock to be dominant? Perhaps. But why not hone your skills and then take it to "the league?" However are there ever really any true locks?
If so, what happened to:

Joe Smith:
The number 1 overall pick by the Golden State Warriors in 1995. He was drafted ahead of Rasheed Wallace(4), Kevin Garnett(5), and Michael Finley(21).

Pervis Ellison:
Pervis was the top overall selection by the Sacramento Kings in 1989. He was drafted ahead of Sean Elliot(3), Tim Hardaway(14), and Shawn Kemp(17).

LaRue Martin:
LaRue was the first overall pick by the Portland Trailblazers in 1972. However, the Blazers were not the only idiots. In fact the top 11 teams failed to draft a young man by the name of Julius Erving.

Rick Robey:
He was the third overall selection in 1978, being drafted by the Indianapolis Pacers.
Unfortunately for the Pacers, they forgot about their native son from French Lick. With the sixth pick, the Boston Celtics would select Indiana State star Larry Bird.

Michael Olowokandi:
"The Kandi Man" was the top pick in 1998 by the Los Angeles Clippers. He was drafted ahead of Mike Bibby(2),Antawn Jamison(4), Vince Cater(5), Dirk Nowitzki(9), and Paul Pierce(10).

And who could forget Sam Bowie:
The second overall pick by the Portland Trailblazers in 1984. Sam was chosen ahead of Michael Jordan(3) and Charles Barkley(5). Years after the draft, Trailblazers GM Stu Inman said that if given the same choice he would again pick Sam Bowie. I believe the term to use here is denial.
So I guess there really is no such thing as lock to be the superstar in the NBA, but when it comes to Oden and Durrant, the odds are very high!
You stay classy Sportsblender!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Ode to Oden
Last week I was on vacation. I week of Lindsay, Briley and myself. I decided to go back to my roots. I decided to go low-tech, I was staying away from the lap top as well as the world wide web altogether! Even though I am truly not going back the basics. I guess you can't say you're low tech when you are watching the TV via a 7 foot projection screen accompanied by a surround sound home theatre system. Regardless, the cell phone is muted, the lap top is in it's case, the e-mails are piling up and I am loving life!
What a week of sports!
Baseball's opening day.
Schilling gets bombed in Kansas City. Barry homers in his first game. The Yankees unveil their Opening Day starter, Carl Pavano (enter laugh track here). Jose Reyes will set the single season triple record this week. The Pirates look like last year's Tigers. Tampa Bay is full of tomorrow's superstars!
And finally Sammy Sosa is back in the league and looking as if he hasn't seen his "personal trainer" in a few months. Thank you God for baseball!
NCAA Women's Championship
Pat Summitt's Vols defeated the Lady Scarlet Knights of Rutgers to win the Women's crown. However, the game has been shadowed by the statements made by Radio Host Don Imus and his producer, Bernard McGuirk. I think they both should be fired. Not just because of the comments but because they are both idiots. Any rational human being would consider the ramifications of calling an entire women's basketball team "hardcore hos" or McGuirk's thought of the two teams (the jiggabos vs. the wannabes) on a Nationally aired radio show. But America don't worry because "moral watch dogs," Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are on the case. Rest easy!
The Master's
I love watching me some golf whenever I can. I sat there and watched as players were shooting over par (finally golf I can relate to!). And I remember thinking, "Man, I could even shoot that score!" Yeah Right. If Tiger Woods was at +2 on Sunday, I would be at +17 after the first hole! It was refreshing to see a relative "nobody" Zack Johnson, being fitted for a green jacket by last year's winner Phil Mickelson. Why do I love golf?
1. I suck at it and I love a challenge.
2. Sunday, after a Tiger tee shot went hard left onto the beach, follwed by a beautiful shot out of a bunker, and with Tiger down by 3 strokes, I said, "Here comes Tiger!" Having a player such as this makes watching the game so much better.
Though just once, I want to see a player lose his cool a la Happy Gilmore. C'mon, if seeing Vijay Singh cussing out a tree wouldn't make you laugh, I feel sorry for you!
Though my top event of the week that was:
NCAA Men's National Championship game. The Ohio State University vs. Florida
This was perhaps one of the most intriguing college finals EVER. On one hand you have the ultimate "team" in Florida. Five players averaging over 10 points. On the other hand you have the Buckeyes, being lead by 2 freshmen Mike Conley Jr. and the 37 year old Greg Oden. I will be honest, I wanted OSU to beat Florida by 40. Not because I hate Florida or I am one of those idiots who dislike Joakim Noah because he isn't pleasant to look like, but because I wanted Greg Oden to show everyone that he is as dominant a player as we have seen in college basketball. During the entire tournament, people were taking shots at Oden in the media (How did that work out for you and your Memphis teammates Joey Dorsey?) However during the National Championship Oden proved 2 things:

1. He is a beast. Many call him a man-child. Dude there is nothing childlike about him. He did whatever he wanted and Al Horford and Noah could do nothing. In perhaps his final game (though he should stay, you'll read why in my next blog), Oden did everything he could to bring a title to Columbus. Greg scored 25 points, grabbed 12 rebounds and blocked 4 shots. (The block where he pinned Brewer ... wow!) Though Oden had a stong personal performance, the team performance did not make the trip from the team hotel. OSU shot 23 3 pointers and only converted on 4 of them. All while Florida (the country's best shooting team), shot 18 and hit 10 of them.
2. Oden proved why the Florida players will not be good NBA players. It is a known fact that great college teams do not produce great NBA players. Many will say, but MJ won a title and he is a great player. OK, true we will make an exception for the best player to ever touch a basketball. But c'mon the UNC teams of the early 90's.
Eric Montross, enough said. Kansas off the mid 90's. Jacque Vaughn, enough said. Duke of the early 90's, Bobby Hurley, enough said. The front court of Florida has been good this season, however how much of their success has to be attributed to the fact that there entire team can hit a 30 ft jumper!!
However, basketball is and forever will remain a team game, won by great teams. Florida played to it's strengths and exploited OSU's weaknesses. Congrats Gators! again and again!
By the way, you know that former OSU QB and Heisman trophy winner Troy Smith has got to be sick of the "Gator Chomp!" I can easily see a mental break down where he goes "Rainman" and mumbles about Chris Leak and Al Horford as he says, "Yeah definitly Gators." As he walks around his padded room doing the Gator Chomp!

You stay classy Sportsblender!
What a week of sports!
Baseball's opening day.
Schilling gets bombed in Kansas City. Barry homers in his first game. The Yankees unveil their Opening Day starter, Carl Pavano (enter laugh track here). Jose Reyes will set the single season triple record this week. The Pirates look like last year's Tigers. Tampa Bay is full of tomorrow's superstars!
And finally Sammy Sosa is back in the league and looking as if he hasn't seen his "personal trainer" in a few months. Thank you God for baseball!
NCAA Women's Championship
Pat Summitt's Vols defeated the Lady Scarlet Knights of Rutgers to win the Women's crown. However, the game has been shadowed by the statements made by Radio Host Don Imus and his producer, Bernard McGuirk. I think they both should be fired. Not just because of the comments but because they are both idiots. Any rational human being would consider the ramifications of calling an entire women's basketball team "hardcore hos" or McGuirk's thought of the two teams (the jiggabos vs. the wannabes) on a Nationally aired radio show. But America don't worry because "moral watch dogs," Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are on the case. Rest easy!
The Master's
I love watching me some golf whenever I can. I sat there and watched as players were shooting over par (finally golf I can relate to!). And I remember thinking, "Man, I could even shoot that score!" Yeah Right. If Tiger Woods was at +2 on Sunday, I would be at +17 after the first hole! It was refreshing to see a relative "nobody" Zack Johnson, being fitted for a green jacket by last year's winner Phil Mickelson. Why do I love golf?
1. I suck at it and I love a challenge.
2. Sunday, after a Tiger tee shot went hard left onto the beach, follwed by a beautiful shot out of a bunker, and with Tiger down by 3 strokes, I said, "Here comes Tiger!" Having a player such as this makes watching the game so much better.
Though just once, I want to see a player lose his cool a la Happy Gilmore. C'mon, if seeing Vijay Singh cussing out a tree wouldn't make you laugh, I feel sorry for you!
Though my top event of the week that was:
NCAA Men's National Championship game. The Ohio State University vs. Florida
This was perhaps one of the most intriguing college finals EVER. On one hand you have the ultimate "team" in Florida. Five players averaging over 10 points. On the other hand you have the Buckeyes, being lead by 2 freshmen Mike Conley Jr. and the 37 year old Greg Oden. I will be honest, I wanted OSU to beat Florida by 40. Not because I hate Florida or I am one of those idiots who dislike Joakim Noah because he isn't pleasant to look like, but because I wanted Greg Oden to show everyone that he is as dominant a player as we have seen in college basketball. During the entire tournament, people were taking shots at Oden in the media (How did that work out for you and your Memphis teammates Joey Dorsey?) However during the National Championship Oden proved 2 things:

1. He is a beast. Many call him a man-child. Dude there is nothing childlike about him. He did whatever he wanted and Al Horford and Noah could do nothing. In perhaps his final game (though he should stay, you'll read why in my next blog), Oden did everything he could to bring a title to Columbus. Greg scored 25 points, grabbed 12 rebounds and blocked 4 shots. (The block where he pinned Brewer ... wow!) Though Oden had a stong personal performance, the team performance did not make the trip from the team hotel. OSU shot 23 3 pointers and only converted on 4 of them. All while Florida (the country's best shooting team), shot 18 and hit 10 of them.
2. Oden proved why the Florida players will not be good NBA players. It is a known fact that great college teams do not produce great NBA players. Many will say, but MJ won a title and he is a great player. OK, true we will make an exception for the best player to ever touch a basketball. But c'mon the UNC teams of the early 90's.
Eric Montross, enough said. Kansas off the mid 90's. Jacque Vaughn, enough said. Duke of the early 90's, Bobby Hurley, enough said. The front court of Florida has been good this season, however how much of their success has to be attributed to the fact that there entire team can hit a 30 ft jumper!!
However, basketball is and forever will remain a team game, won by great teams. Florida played to it's strengths and exploited OSU's weaknesses. Congrats Gators! again and again!
By the way, you know that former OSU QB and Heisman trophy winner Troy Smith has got to be sick of the "Gator Chomp!" I can easily see a mental break down where he goes "Rainman" and mumbles about Chris Leak and Al Horford as he says, "Yeah definitly Gators." As he walks around his padded room doing the Gator Chomp!

You stay classy Sportsblender!
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Here we are a mere few days away from my New Year and I am speechless.
Is it because Papelbon is going back to the Pen? No. Is it because Ugueth Urbina got sentenced to 14 years in the Pen? No.Is it because the NFL Draft is approaching? No.Is it because PacMan Jones has been seen in handcuffs on ESPN more often than Mel Kiper has been on ESPN doing draft analysis? No.
It actually has nothing to do with sports. I am all for a good laugh. I enjoy joking and laughing and being stupid. However enough is enough. As I mentioned in my last blog, I am addicted to Reality TV. I have been watching American Idol a lot this year. Honestly, I am not sure why I care. I will never buy any CDs that the "Idols" make. I won't see them on tour. Heck, I'll forget most of their names. I can't think, for the life of me, of the name of that curly headed kid who won the first American Idol competition. I guess, there's nothing better to watch on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. But people, the joke is getting a little old. Sanjaya must go home. I bet that between the "anti-idol" website (, Howard Stern, the "tweenies" and the country of India (the 2nd largest population on the planet), Sanjaya is getting the majority of votes. It is kind of like Yao Ming and the All Star voting. 3 years after Yao retires, he will still receive 5 million "right in" votes from China!
This is my plea and my cry. Please let Sanjaya go home. He is horrible!!!!!
However, if Howard Stern and all of the devoted followers of actually have nothing else better to do with their lives, but sabotage the show. I actually feel bad for them.
Man people, get a job ... move out of Mom and Dad's garage ... quit playing Dungeons and Dragons, besides your Mom and Dad are tired of supporting you!

Is she crying because Sanjaya is a wonderful performer or has she just realized that once people see this ... she will never get a date?
Keep your eyes on the prize Jeff, baseball, baseball!
Smile on people ...Smile on!
Friday, March 23, 2007
It's Time
Wednesday night I came to a shocking revelation. It was an eye opening event that questions everything I have ever stood for. An event that my require shock treatment and admittance into the Betty Ford clinic. I have never been in rehab but I have always heard that the first step is admitting your problem. So here goes, step one. My name is Jeff and I am addicted to reality TV.
Wednesday Night I rushed home. Not for an NBA game, not to use the restroom, not to eat dinner but to watch, not one, but two reality TV shows. The first being Survivor and then I would cap the night off with the American Idol results show. Now I am not sure if you watch Survivor. When I met Lindsay, her family lured me into this cult. I am sure all of you know the premise for the show but just in case you don't allow me to paint you a picture. Survivor is a lot like MTV's The Real World. Except for the fact that CBS places contestants, from all walks of life, on a deserted island in hopes there are no tribal cannibals living on it. MTV finds a bunch of spoiled kids and puts them in a luxury filled house. This doesn't seem very real to me. Just once couldn't they do Real World Compton? I don't now what it is but we are drawn to Survivor, we talk about it at dinner, we have sent in application videos to be on the show, Lindsay's brother and I have even driven to places to do a live try outs, and 2 seasons ago we definitely played Fantasy Survivor. *sniff* I am so ashamed.
The very second Survivor went off we switched the channel to Fox. The result show was on. This was to be the night. My night of joy. The culmination of suffering. Sanjaya was going home. However, tonight would not be the night and every fiber of hope in our country was gone. Sanjaya was not even in the bottom 2. Sanjaya was yet again, safe. My joy turned to disbelief. My disbelief then turned to anger for I know how he keeps getting by. He is wicked popular with the "tweenies." The young girls of 11, 12 and 13 who mistake being a freak with being cute. So in that moment of time I made a proclamation. You see, to vote for your favorite "Idol" you need to send a text message to the show. And because the "tweenies" are keeping him on the show, they must have access to a cell phone. These are the same brats you see at the mall with cell phones. I couldn't remember my own phone number when I was that age, let alone carry a cell phone. So here is my proclamation. For every "tweenie" I see carrying a phone, I am going to punch the Daddy of this kid in the stomach. For 2 reasons, first and foremost for keeping Sanjaya on the freaking show and second for even allowing a child that young to have their own phone. What can I say, I am a public servant! However these misguided youth are not the only ones putting me through this musical Hell. There is a website formed to encourage people to vote for the "worst American Idol." If you go to you will find a cult following of people who are comitted to making Sanjaya Malakar the next American Idol. Add this to the nation's top "shock jock" and perhaps the ugliest man to ever have a chance at dating a super model, Howard Stern. Who has been an avid Sanjaya supporter and we could see Sanjaya win it all. Hmmm ... I wonder if there's any room in Canada, eh? (By the way, shout outs to Jeremy and Ryan for giving me some Sanjaya info.)
Though all of this talk of the "Reality world" invading my television got me to think. I believe there is one man in sports who deserves his own Reality TV Show. Not Barry, "Bonds on Bonds" kind of sucked. Hulk Hogan, "Hogan Knows Best" is kind of lame. I believe VH1 or ESPN 8 "The Ocho" heck maybe even Lifetime or as I call it, "The Estrogen Channel," needs to do a reality series on "Charlie Hustle" Pete Rose.
Last week on the Dan Patrick Show, Rose admitted that he bet on baseball. Though, I don't blame him. Pete never bet against the Reds, he bet on the Reds! I play a lot of sports. My basketball team could be playing Jesus and the 12 Disciples and I would guarantee a win. I mean c'mon, Jesus can walk on water!!! Imagine what he can do with the rock? But me and the faith I have in my team would force me to place a wager on me and my boys!I mean, of course, my team would get spanked but I think we would have a chance! I see no fault in Pete betting on the Cincinnati Reds. The Reds of the 1970's were the "Big Red Machine." They were the most dominate team of the decade, I would have bet on them too!
However, in most circles (of people who have never played ball) Pete has committed the ultimate sin. Forever shall he remain in limbo in MLB's purgatory. Never reaching the heaven that is Cooperstown, New York. When Pete retired, he retired with 19 major League baseball records. 19 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those records are:
Most career hits (4,256) Most games played (3,562)
Most at bats (14,053) Most career singles (3,215)
Seasons w/ 200+ hits (10) Seasons w/ 100+ hits (23)
Seasons w/ 600+ at bats (17) Seasons w/ 150+ games played (17)
Seasons w/ 100+ games played (23) Most years played (24)
Most Consecutive years played (24)Most career runs (2,156)
Most career doubles (746) Most games w/ 5+ hits (10)
Most total bases in a career by a switch hitter (5,752)
Most career games playing for the winning team (1,972)
Only player to play at least 500 games a 5 different positions (1B,2B,3B,LF,RF)
NL Record- 44 Game Hitting Streak
NL Record- Achieved 20+ consecutive game hitting streak (7 times)
The numbers speak for themselves. Pete's induction into the Hall of Fame is long overdue. Pete's window for baseball's highest honor is rapidly closing. Soon, a veteran's committee will have to get Pete in the Hall. And, no pun intended, but this will be Pete's best bet. Though, Pete's teammates will tell you that he should already be there. In many circumstances, they have been very vocal in his absence.
When Riverfront/Cinergy Field was imploded teammates spray painted the number "14" on the field, in honor of a man who gave that stadium life as well as many memories. It is fitting that the final run to ever be scored at Cinergy was made by Pete. The winning run of his annual celebrity fundraiser softball game.
There are alcoholics, adulterers, abusers, drug addicts,cheaters and jerks in the Hall of Fame. It's sad when baseball thinks it is so "high and mighty" to accept these faults but yet exclude Pete and his baggage. Should he have bet on the Reds during his playing days .. probably not. Did he go out and bust his butt and help his team win every day. You can bet on it!
PS. But don't feel bad for Petie ... he is making the best of this whole situation. You can go to and buy an autographed baseball. A ball that will be inscribed to you. And on this ball, he will personally apologize to you for betting on baseball. Help Pete, help You!
Smile On People, Smile on ...
Wednesday Night I rushed home. Not for an NBA game, not to use the restroom, not to eat dinner but to watch, not one, but two reality TV shows. The first being Survivor and then I would cap the night off with the American Idol results show. Now I am not sure if you watch Survivor. When I met Lindsay, her family lured me into this cult. I am sure all of you know the premise for the show but just in case you don't allow me to paint you a picture. Survivor is a lot like MTV's The Real World. Except for the fact that CBS places contestants, from all walks of life, on a deserted island in hopes there are no tribal cannibals living on it. MTV finds a bunch of spoiled kids and puts them in a luxury filled house. This doesn't seem very real to me. Just once couldn't they do Real World Compton? I don't now what it is but we are drawn to Survivor, we talk about it at dinner, we have sent in application videos to be on the show, Lindsay's brother and I have even driven to places to do a live try outs, and 2 seasons ago we definitely played Fantasy Survivor. *sniff* I am so ashamed.
The very second Survivor went off we switched the channel to Fox. The result show was on. This was to be the night. My night of joy. The culmination of suffering. Sanjaya was going home. However, tonight would not be the night and every fiber of hope in our country was gone. Sanjaya was not even in the bottom 2. Sanjaya was yet again, safe. My joy turned to disbelief. My disbelief then turned to anger for I know how he keeps getting by. He is wicked popular with the "tweenies." The young girls of 11, 12 and 13 who mistake being a freak with being cute. So in that moment of time I made a proclamation. You see, to vote for your favorite "Idol" you need to send a text message to the show. And because the "tweenies" are keeping him on the show, they must have access to a cell phone. These are the same brats you see at the mall with cell phones. I couldn't remember my own phone number when I was that age, let alone carry a cell phone. So here is my proclamation. For every "tweenie" I see carrying a phone, I am going to punch the Daddy of this kid in the stomach. For 2 reasons, first and foremost for keeping Sanjaya on the freaking show and second for even allowing a child that young to have their own phone. What can I say, I am a public servant! However these misguided youth are not the only ones putting me through this musical Hell. There is a website formed to encourage people to vote for the "worst American Idol." If you go to you will find a cult following of people who are comitted to making Sanjaya Malakar the next American Idol. Add this to the nation's top "shock jock" and perhaps the ugliest man to ever have a chance at dating a super model, Howard Stern. Who has been an avid Sanjaya supporter and we could see Sanjaya win it all. Hmmm ... I wonder if there's any room in Canada, eh? (By the way, shout outs to Jeremy and Ryan for giving me some Sanjaya info.)
Though all of this talk of the "Reality world" invading my television got me to think. I believe there is one man in sports who deserves his own Reality TV Show. Not Barry, "Bonds on Bonds" kind of sucked. Hulk Hogan, "Hogan Knows Best" is kind of lame. I believe VH1 or ESPN 8 "The Ocho" heck maybe even Lifetime or as I call it, "The Estrogen Channel," needs to do a reality series on "Charlie Hustle" Pete Rose.

Last week on the Dan Patrick Show, Rose admitted that he bet on baseball. Though, I don't blame him. Pete never bet against the Reds, he bet on the Reds! I play a lot of sports. My basketball team could be playing Jesus and the 12 Disciples and I would guarantee a win. I mean c'mon, Jesus can walk on water!!! Imagine what he can do with the rock? But me and the faith I have in my team would force me to place a wager on me and my boys!I mean, of course, my team would get spanked but I think we would have a chance! I see no fault in Pete betting on the Cincinnati Reds. The Reds of the 1970's were the "Big Red Machine." They were the most dominate team of the decade, I would have bet on them too!
However, in most circles (of people who have never played ball) Pete has committed the ultimate sin. Forever shall he remain in limbo in MLB's purgatory. Never reaching the heaven that is Cooperstown, New York. When Pete retired, he retired with 19 major League baseball records. 19 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those records are:
Most career hits (4,256) Most games played (3,562)
Most at bats (14,053) Most career singles (3,215)
Seasons w/ 200+ hits (10) Seasons w/ 100+ hits (23)
Seasons w/ 600+ at bats (17) Seasons w/ 150+ games played (17)
Seasons w/ 100+ games played (23) Most years played (24)
Most Consecutive years played (24)Most career runs (2,156)
Most career doubles (746) Most games w/ 5+ hits (10)
Most total bases in a career by a switch hitter (5,752)
Most career games playing for the winning team (1,972)
Only player to play at least 500 games a 5 different positions (1B,2B,3B,LF,RF)
NL Record- 44 Game Hitting Streak
NL Record- Achieved 20+ consecutive game hitting streak (7 times)
The numbers speak for themselves. Pete's induction into the Hall of Fame is long overdue. Pete's window for baseball's highest honor is rapidly closing. Soon, a veteran's committee will have to get Pete in the Hall. And, no pun intended, but this will be Pete's best bet. Though, Pete's teammates will tell you that he should already be there. In many circumstances, they have been very vocal in his absence.
When Riverfront/Cinergy Field was imploded teammates spray painted the number "14" on the field, in honor of a man who gave that stadium life as well as many memories. It is fitting that the final run to ever be scored at Cinergy was made by Pete. The winning run of his annual celebrity fundraiser softball game.
There are alcoholics, adulterers, abusers, drug addicts,cheaters and jerks in the Hall of Fame. It's sad when baseball thinks it is so "high and mighty" to accept these faults but yet exclude Pete and his baggage. Should he have bet on the Reds during his playing days .. probably not. Did he go out and bust his butt and help his team win every day. You can bet on it!
PS. But don't feel bad for Petie ... he is making the best of this whole situation. You can go to and buy an autographed baseball. A ball that will be inscribed to you. And on this ball, he will personally apologize to you for betting on baseball. Help Pete, help You!

Smile On People, Smile on ...
Friday, March 09, 2007
A wintry bliss ....
Here we are 24 days until Opening Day 2007. I cannot wait. It just so happens that the same week in which the baseball season begins, I am on a "mini-vacation."
For an entire week I am going to do nothing but eat chicken wings, drink iced tea and chew sunflower seeds. And how do I cap off a week of baseball bliss? By going to Opening Day in, what I am going to predict as the sleeper team of the year, the Pittsburgh Pirates. However, I am growing tired of exhibition games. I am tired of SportsCenter breaking news of Dice K throwing 17 pitches, 11 of which were strikes.
So what do I do? What do I write about? The NBA is getting worse and worse by the second. NCAA brackets don't come out until Monday morning. And I am soooooo mad at the American public for not giving Sanjaya Malakar the boot on American Idol. Seriously people, he is the first artist to be a hybrid of Michael Jackson and Prince.
Since there really isn't much for me to write about, I have decided to have some fun here today. I have been a baseball player for most of my life. I have always just loved the game of baseball. The strategy, the drama, the roids I love it all. However one thing that I love about baseball is the way regular people perceive baseball players to be. Baseball players are thought of as a different kind of athlete. I once had this shirt that said, "Be nice to animals ... Hug a baseball player." We are peculiar people. We don't like to shave. We eat things after they hit the floor. (After the 5 second rule) We even have strange superstitions. There was a time that I would lick the "sweet spot" of my bat while I was in the "on deck" circle. If you know anyone who is truly a baseball player, you will know exactly what I am talking about. Like you know that guy who is readjusting his man area at random times? He was probably a baseball player giving into habit, thinking he is still wearing a cup! Not a pervert obsessed with his manly region.
This blog is a celebration of the misunderstood. Baseball players who went off of the deep end. This blog is a celebration of some of the craziest moments in baseball history. And I have created for your reading enjoyment, my All Star team of those players who went off the deep end. Here are the 5th Floor Fanatics!
Leading off, playing Second base, Roberto Alomar:

Many will say that Robbie is a sure fire, first ballot Hall of Famer. I would sort of have to agree. However Robbie made his way into the Manson Family, I mean my All Star team because of 1996 tirade where he was spitting mad! After being called out on strikes Alomar got into a verbal shouting match with Umpire John Hirschbeck. After Oriole's Manager, Davey Johnson tried to separate the two, Alomar then spit in the face of Hirschbeck. After the game Alomar took things to an entirely other level when he said that Hirshbeck had become bitter after the death of his 8 year old son. If I were Hirschbeck, I would have tracked down Alomar and showed him exactly how bitter I was! MLB would then suspend Alomar for 5 games at the beginning of the 1997 season. It's nice to see that MLB would uphold the integrity and respect for their Umpires (That's sarcasm if you could not tell!)
In the 2 hole, we have rookie phenom Delmon Young:

Few rookies have come in to the League with as much upside as D'mitri's little brother. Imagine this, you are young. Barely, if not even old enough to enter a bar, you are rich, you are seen as the next big thing in baseball. Scouts everywhere see you as a possible League MVP, with potential 40-40 stats. So obviously, you would think you are pretty darn good. Especially in the Minors. You would never strike out in the Bush League! And on your worst day, striking out looking is not even fathomable. So what is your reaction when you are called out looking by some pot bellied, hack of an ump in the minors. You chuck a bat at him as you walk back to the dugout, of course! What other response would you expect from tomorrow's most promising player?
Batting third and playing right field, Milton Bradley:

Personally, I like Milton. He is fiery, very competitive and it is always fun to see what he will do next. He is basically MLB's version of Dennis Rodman. Minus the tats, hairstyles, wedding dresses, piercings and all the wonderful attributes the Worm posses. When Milton comes to your town, no one is safe. I don't care who or where you are. You could be the bat boy, the PA announcer, the leader of a local Boy Scouts troop, if you set Milton off he will come for you!But is Milton Bradley a tortured soul? Why is he so crazy? I think I have found the answer.
It is his name. Milton shares his name with the maker of games such as Monopoly and other family friendly fun times. Milton thinks that he has to prove he is tough by acting psycho. Seriously the name Milton doesn't put fear in your heart.There's no street cred. there! His name reminds me of that Uncle you have that always wears cardigans and sends you post cards as he travels the country in his RV. Think of the movie, "The Godfather" Let's change Marlon Brando's character from Don Vito Corleone to Milton Bradley Corleone. Would you be scared of him or would you want to snuggle next to him as he reads you,"Twas the Night Before Christmas?"
Batting Clean Up may be the craziest dude in MLB history, Albert Belle:

There was a time that Albert was dominant. During the pre Manny days in Cleveland, Albert was the man. However when Manny showed up, Albert wanted too much money,Albert opted to sign elsewhere. Albert would then eventually land in Baltimore. Basically he was a bust in Baltimore. However, he would make my All Star team during his tenure with the O's. While living outside of Baltimore, in a very nice subdivision, a few young fans noticed who their "famous" neighbor truly was. One day they approached Albert and asked him for an autograph. Albert then said no and snubbed the kids as if they were the illusions in the mind of John Nash. So of course, the kids had to take action! These kids did what every young baseball fan, whose favorite player refused to acknowledge them, would love to do. They attempted to get even. On Halloween night these same kids nailed Belle's house with eggs. However the kids didn't expect "Joey" to run after them and chase them down IN HIS SUV. He even hit a kid as he slammed on his breaks.Belle claims anyone would have done this, however he was targeted because he was an athlete. I can see his point on this, besides he was always targeted. You know like when he ran over Fernando Vina because he was playing second base, beat up his girlfriend, corked his bat, went into rehab for a drinking problem, smashed a minor league bathroom with a bat, cussed out reporter Hannah Storm for trying to do her job and then refused to apologize, threw a ball at a photographer for taking a picture, breaking a thermostat in the White Sox locker room because a teammate tried to turn up the temperature, flipped off the fans in Cleveland and refused to sign autographs at a "Kids' Day" autograph session in Chicago. But of course, all of this is a set up. Truth be told Albert teaches Sunday School to blind children as he signs autographs inscribing, "Every homer is for you" on every ball for paralyzed children. Now who is full of crap?
Batting 5th is Hall of Famer, George Brett:

I love George Brett. He was an awesome ball player. And overall a great guy. But for one day in 1983, George went postal! Brett's Kansas City Royals were in Yankee Stadium facing Yankee reliever Goose Gossage and the New York Yankee's. With U.L. Washington of first base Brett hit a shot that reached the upper deck that, for the moment, gave the Royals a 5-4 lead. Seconds after George crosses the plate, Yankee manager Billy Martin approaches Umpire Tim McClelland, he and the other umpires would agree that there was too much pine tar on Brett's bat, MLB rule 1.10b states, "a bat may not be covered by such a substance more than 18 inches from the tip of the handle." Therefore, Brett was called out and a 4-3 Yankee victory was secured. Brett looked like he was going to give someone the Stone Cold Stunner. To this day, this may be my favorite MLB highlight. Later AL President Lee MacPhail would reverse the decision. Stating that games are won on the field and not by technicalities. That a way ... screw the Yankees!
Batting 6th, my favorite crazy baseball moment and my catcher, Jason Varitek:

I remember this day as if it were yesterday. I remember Bronson Arroyo throwing at "A Fraud." I remember Rodriguez being a "tough guy" mouthing at Bronson. I then remember watching Varitek step in front of Alex protecting his pitcher. Then Alex starting talking trash to Varitek. The Fox coverage was fantastic of this situation. Just when you thought cooler heads would prevail and Rodriguez would walk to first he did it. He dropped the bomb;twice. He dropped the F Bomb right in Varitek's face. Tek would then do something that sparked the Red Sox season. He popped Rodriguez in the face, inciting a Red Sox/Yankee riot. A fight that saw Gabe Kapler power bomb Tanyan Sturtze. After this happened, I told everyone that the Red Sox would win the World Series and I was right. Even though this is my favorite Red Sox/Yankees moment on this list, it is not the last!
Batting 7th, Robin Ventura:

Now perhaps this pick is a stretch. Perhaps I just placed Ventura here because I couldn't think of any other third basemen. Or maybe I just added him to my team because he got beat up by a 46 year old man. Whatever the case may be Robin Ventura will play the "hot corner" for my team. In an August 1993, the then Chicago White Sox third basemen became "posterized." Not because of a spectacular fielding play or huge homerun, but because he is and will always be the man that Nolan Ryan beat up. This is a distinction that followed Robin for his entire career as well as after his career. Robin was a good player as well as a good man. I guess being plunked with a 96 mph fastball will make a man do irrational things and then get beaten up by a guy 20 years older than him.
Batting 8th and back at Shortstop, Alex Rodriguez:

Until recently, shortstops were little guys who really stayed away from any conflict. Shortstops such as Jack Wilson and David Eckstein are more of the prototypical shortstops of old. But starting with Cal Ripken shortstops were bigger and sometimes more intimidating. Or so they like to think. As I mentioned earlier Alex Rodriguez and Jason Varitek started a riot in '04 because he didn't think anyone would dare hit A Rod. But he is on this list because of the decline of his mental status since leaving his position so Derek Jeter could remain the Yankees shortstop. A Rod has been going to shrinks and worrying about everything other than baseball. This man gave up HIS position, that he was the best in baseball at, to accommodate Jeter. (Are you seriously surprised that Rodriguez doesn't like Jeter?)
Yet, he is booed and sometimes hated in the Bronx despite giving up all he worked for, for Jeter. A Rod can opt out of New York and his contract at the end of this season. He will and don't be surprised if Theo tries to lure A Rod to Fenway with the promise of occupying shortstop.
Batting 9th and taking his place on the hill, Pedro Martinez:

I love "Pede" and I wish he were still in Boston. The Red Sox Nation loved everything about this 5"11 165 lb man. The antics with Manny in the dugout, the number of batters he hit (especially Jeter), the time he admitted that the, "Yankees are my Daddy!" Which would later turn into everyone telling New York that Ortiz was their Papi! However one incident secured Pedro's place in the Boston Sports Hall of Fame as well as the Starting Pitcher on my "dream team." During the 2003 ALCS, Pedro was front and center in one of the wildest playoff games in Major League History. Let's clear one thing up. Pedro Martinez and Karim Garcia do not like each other!!! So when Pedro threw at Garcia, all Hell was about to break loose. Garcia would take first base because apparently Pedro hit Garcia in the back. I don't remember! New York then scored on a bases-loaded double play by Alfonso Soriano and the Yankees increased their lead to 4-2. On the play, Garcia slid hard into second baseman Todd Walker, resulting in words between the two, a shoving match and causing a stir in both dugouts. But this isn't the fun part just yet. During the bottom half of the inning, vocal pitcher Roger Clemens threw a fast ball high and tight to Manny Ramirez. Ramirez would then raise his bat and scream at Clemens. At this time, both benches would clear. As Pedro walked onto the field, "rollie-pollie" Don Zimmer made a bee line straight for Pedro. However just as the mighty conquestador, "Pede" side swiped the charging Zimmer. He [Zimmer] then did a nose dive into the turf at Fenway. The scene at Fenway was a train wreck or like a gruesome car wreck. You know it's really bad but you just can't take your eyes off of it. In many ways it looked like a reality TV show on VH1.(Can we compare Don Zimmer to Ron Jeremy?) The atmosphere was so hostile, they stopped serving beer at Fenway for the rest of the game. But the melee was not over yet. Later in the game a grounds crew worker got into a fight with Karim Garcia and Yankee reliever Jeff Nelson in the Yankee bullpen. What a game ... what a memory! Thank You Pedro!
For every Starting Pitcher you need good relievers and no relievers get any crazier than my closer, John Rocker:

There are a lot of things you could say about John Rocker. You could say he was a very competitve Closer. Attributed to the success of the Atlanta Pitching Staff.
He brought a lot of energy. He was a fan favorite. He is a racist. He doesn't like immigrants. He doesn't like unwed mothers. He doesn't like homosexuals. He hates New York. And he is why being a "Red-Neck" is a negitive connotation. Seriously, when Rocker went off no one was safe from being ridiculed. The only people who were spared were white, hunting, beer drinking "Good Ole'Boys." So West Virginia and Kentucky, you're cool! After John's interview about riding New York's #7 train. His career was basically over. John would then struggle with the Indians and he would bounce around in the Minors. However, Rocker is a fashion mogul. Rocker's line of clothing is highlighted by a plain black and white t shirt that says, "SPEAK ENGLISH." Nowadays Rocker has been getting his hands wet in the Public Relations business. The last I have heard, he was Tim Hardaway's PR guy, gee I hope it all works out!
Manager, Joe Mikulik

You don't know the name? But I will bet on the fact that you know who he is! Asheville Tourists manager Joe Mikulik went crazy after being ejected during a Class-A South Atlantic League game against the Lexington Legends. In the fifth inning, Asheville pitcher Brandon Durden attempted a pickoff throw. Koby Clemens of Lexington was called safe, and Mikulik ran out to first base umpire Andy Russell to argue. After Mikulik was ejected, he ran over and slid (Pete Rose style) into 2nd base before ripping out the bag and tossing it into the outfield. When Mikulik reached the dugout he tossed several bats onto the field before covering home plate with dirt and pouring water onto it. He then continued to argue with home plate umpire Stephen Barga, actually showing him where his strike zone should be. Mikulik finally would leave the field, but not before becomming the most famous Minor League Manager EVER
Wow. There you have it! You know I may not win any Championships with this team, but one thing is for sure. I will sell tickets!
Smile on people. Smile On!
For an entire week I am going to do nothing but eat chicken wings, drink iced tea and chew sunflower seeds. And how do I cap off a week of baseball bliss? By going to Opening Day in, what I am going to predict as the sleeper team of the year, the Pittsburgh Pirates. However, I am growing tired of exhibition games. I am tired of SportsCenter breaking news of Dice K throwing 17 pitches, 11 of which were strikes.
So what do I do? What do I write about? The NBA is getting worse and worse by the second. NCAA brackets don't come out until Monday morning. And I am soooooo mad at the American public for not giving Sanjaya Malakar the boot on American Idol. Seriously people, he is the first artist to be a hybrid of Michael Jackson and Prince.

Since there really isn't much for me to write about, I have decided to have some fun here today. I have been a baseball player for most of my life. I have always just loved the game of baseball. The strategy, the drama, the roids I love it all. However one thing that I love about baseball is the way regular people perceive baseball players to be. Baseball players are thought of as a different kind of athlete. I once had this shirt that said, "Be nice to animals ... Hug a baseball player." We are peculiar people. We don't like to shave. We eat things after they hit the floor. (After the 5 second rule) We even have strange superstitions. There was a time that I would lick the "sweet spot" of my bat while I was in the "on deck" circle. If you know anyone who is truly a baseball player, you will know exactly what I am talking about. Like you know that guy who is readjusting his man area at random times? He was probably a baseball player giving into habit, thinking he is still wearing a cup! Not a pervert obsessed with his manly region.
This blog is a celebration of the misunderstood. Baseball players who went off of the deep end. This blog is a celebration of some of the craziest moments in baseball history. And I have created for your reading enjoyment, my All Star team of those players who went off the deep end. Here are the 5th Floor Fanatics!
Leading off, playing Second base, Roberto Alomar:

Many will say that Robbie is a sure fire, first ballot Hall of Famer. I would sort of have to agree. However Robbie made his way into the Manson Family, I mean my All Star team because of 1996 tirade where he was spitting mad! After being called out on strikes Alomar got into a verbal shouting match with Umpire John Hirschbeck. After Oriole's Manager, Davey Johnson tried to separate the two, Alomar then spit in the face of Hirschbeck. After the game Alomar took things to an entirely other level when he said that Hirshbeck had become bitter after the death of his 8 year old son. If I were Hirschbeck, I would have tracked down Alomar and showed him exactly how bitter I was! MLB would then suspend Alomar for 5 games at the beginning of the 1997 season. It's nice to see that MLB would uphold the integrity and respect for their Umpires (That's sarcasm if you could not tell!)
In the 2 hole, we have rookie phenom Delmon Young:

Few rookies have come in to the League with as much upside as D'mitri's little brother. Imagine this, you are young. Barely, if not even old enough to enter a bar, you are rich, you are seen as the next big thing in baseball. Scouts everywhere see you as a possible League MVP, with potential 40-40 stats. So obviously, you would think you are pretty darn good. Especially in the Minors. You would never strike out in the Bush League! And on your worst day, striking out looking is not even fathomable. So what is your reaction when you are called out looking by some pot bellied, hack of an ump in the minors. You chuck a bat at him as you walk back to the dugout, of course! What other response would you expect from tomorrow's most promising player?
Batting third and playing right field, Milton Bradley:

Personally, I like Milton. He is fiery, very competitive and it is always fun to see what he will do next. He is basically MLB's version of Dennis Rodman. Minus the tats, hairstyles, wedding dresses, piercings and all the wonderful attributes the Worm posses. When Milton comes to your town, no one is safe. I don't care who or where you are. You could be the bat boy, the PA announcer, the leader of a local Boy Scouts troop, if you set Milton off he will come for you!But is Milton Bradley a tortured soul? Why is he so crazy? I think I have found the answer.
It is his name. Milton shares his name with the maker of games such as Monopoly and other family friendly fun times. Milton thinks that he has to prove he is tough by acting psycho. Seriously the name Milton doesn't put fear in your heart.There's no street cred. there! His name reminds me of that Uncle you have that always wears cardigans and sends you post cards as he travels the country in his RV. Think of the movie, "The Godfather" Let's change Marlon Brando's character from Don Vito Corleone to Milton Bradley Corleone. Would you be scared of him or would you want to snuggle next to him as he reads you,"Twas the Night Before Christmas?"
Batting Clean Up may be the craziest dude in MLB history, Albert Belle:

There was a time that Albert was dominant. During the pre Manny days in Cleveland, Albert was the man. However when Manny showed up, Albert wanted too much money,Albert opted to sign elsewhere. Albert would then eventually land in Baltimore. Basically he was a bust in Baltimore. However, he would make my All Star team during his tenure with the O's. While living outside of Baltimore, in a very nice subdivision, a few young fans noticed who their "famous" neighbor truly was. One day they approached Albert and asked him for an autograph. Albert then said no and snubbed the kids as if they were the illusions in the mind of John Nash. So of course, the kids had to take action! These kids did what every young baseball fan, whose favorite player refused to acknowledge them, would love to do. They attempted to get even. On Halloween night these same kids nailed Belle's house with eggs. However the kids didn't expect "Joey" to run after them and chase them down IN HIS SUV. He even hit a kid as he slammed on his breaks.Belle claims anyone would have done this, however he was targeted because he was an athlete. I can see his point on this, besides he was always targeted. You know like when he ran over Fernando Vina because he was playing second base, beat up his girlfriend, corked his bat, went into rehab for a drinking problem, smashed a minor league bathroom with a bat, cussed out reporter Hannah Storm for trying to do her job and then refused to apologize, threw a ball at a photographer for taking a picture, breaking a thermostat in the White Sox locker room because a teammate tried to turn up the temperature, flipped off the fans in Cleveland and refused to sign autographs at a "Kids' Day" autograph session in Chicago. But of course, all of this is a set up. Truth be told Albert teaches Sunday School to blind children as he signs autographs inscribing, "Every homer is for you" on every ball for paralyzed children. Now who is full of crap?
Batting 5th is Hall of Famer, George Brett:

I love George Brett. He was an awesome ball player. And overall a great guy. But for one day in 1983, George went postal! Brett's Kansas City Royals were in Yankee Stadium facing Yankee reliever Goose Gossage and the New York Yankee's. With U.L. Washington of first base Brett hit a shot that reached the upper deck that, for the moment, gave the Royals a 5-4 lead. Seconds after George crosses the plate, Yankee manager Billy Martin approaches Umpire Tim McClelland, he and the other umpires would agree that there was too much pine tar on Brett's bat, MLB rule 1.10b states, "a bat may not be covered by such a substance more than 18 inches from the tip of the handle." Therefore, Brett was called out and a 4-3 Yankee victory was secured. Brett looked like he was going to give someone the Stone Cold Stunner. To this day, this may be my favorite MLB highlight. Later AL President Lee MacPhail would reverse the decision. Stating that games are won on the field and not by technicalities. That a way ... screw the Yankees!
Batting 6th, my favorite crazy baseball moment and my catcher, Jason Varitek:

I remember this day as if it were yesterday. I remember Bronson Arroyo throwing at "A Fraud." I remember Rodriguez being a "tough guy" mouthing at Bronson. I then remember watching Varitek step in front of Alex protecting his pitcher. Then Alex starting talking trash to Varitek. The Fox coverage was fantastic of this situation. Just when you thought cooler heads would prevail and Rodriguez would walk to first he did it. He dropped the bomb;twice. He dropped the F Bomb right in Varitek's face. Tek would then do something that sparked the Red Sox season. He popped Rodriguez in the face, inciting a Red Sox/Yankee riot. A fight that saw Gabe Kapler power bomb Tanyan Sturtze. After this happened, I told everyone that the Red Sox would win the World Series and I was right. Even though this is my favorite Red Sox/Yankees moment on this list, it is not the last!
Batting 7th, Robin Ventura:
Now perhaps this pick is a stretch. Perhaps I just placed Ventura here because I couldn't think of any other third basemen. Or maybe I just added him to my team because he got beat up by a 46 year old man. Whatever the case may be Robin Ventura will play the "hot corner" for my team. In an August 1993, the then Chicago White Sox third basemen became "posterized." Not because of a spectacular fielding play or huge homerun, but because he is and will always be the man that Nolan Ryan beat up. This is a distinction that followed Robin for his entire career as well as after his career. Robin was a good player as well as a good man. I guess being plunked with a 96 mph fastball will make a man do irrational things and then get beaten up by a guy 20 years older than him.
Batting 8th and back at Shortstop, Alex Rodriguez:
Until recently, shortstops were little guys who really stayed away from any conflict. Shortstops such as Jack Wilson and David Eckstein are more of the prototypical shortstops of old. But starting with Cal Ripken shortstops were bigger and sometimes more intimidating. Or so they like to think. As I mentioned earlier Alex Rodriguez and Jason Varitek started a riot in '04 because he didn't think anyone would dare hit A Rod. But he is on this list because of the decline of his mental status since leaving his position so Derek Jeter could remain the Yankees shortstop. A Rod has been going to shrinks and worrying about everything other than baseball. This man gave up HIS position, that he was the best in baseball at, to accommodate Jeter. (Are you seriously surprised that Rodriguez doesn't like Jeter?)
Yet, he is booed and sometimes hated in the Bronx despite giving up all he worked for, for Jeter. A Rod can opt out of New York and his contract at the end of this season. He will and don't be surprised if Theo tries to lure A Rod to Fenway with the promise of occupying shortstop.
Batting 9th and taking his place on the hill, Pedro Martinez:
I love "Pede" and I wish he were still in Boston. The Red Sox Nation loved everything about this 5"11 165 lb man. The antics with Manny in the dugout, the number of batters he hit (especially Jeter), the time he admitted that the, "Yankees are my Daddy!" Which would later turn into everyone telling New York that Ortiz was their Papi! However one incident secured Pedro's place in the Boston Sports Hall of Fame as well as the Starting Pitcher on my "dream team." During the 2003 ALCS, Pedro was front and center in one of the wildest playoff games in Major League History. Let's clear one thing up. Pedro Martinez and Karim Garcia do not like each other!!! So when Pedro threw at Garcia, all Hell was about to break loose. Garcia would take first base because apparently Pedro hit Garcia in the back. I don't remember! New York then scored on a bases-loaded double play by Alfonso Soriano and the Yankees increased their lead to 4-2. On the play, Garcia slid hard into second baseman Todd Walker, resulting in words between the two, a shoving match and causing a stir in both dugouts. But this isn't the fun part just yet. During the bottom half of the inning, vocal pitcher Roger Clemens threw a fast ball high and tight to Manny Ramirez. Ramirez would then raise his bat and scream at Clemens. At this time, both benches would clear. As Pedro walked onto the field, "rollie-pollie" Don Zimmer made a bee line straight for Pedro. However just as the mighty conquestador, "Pede" side swiped the charging Zimmer. He [Zimmer] then did a nose dive into the turf at Fenway. The scene at Fenway was a train wreck or like a gruesome car wreck. You know it's really bad but you just can't take your eyes off of it. In many ways it looked like a reality TV show on VH1.(Can we compare Don Zimmer to Ron Jeremy?) The atmosphere was so hostile, they stopped serving beer at Fenway for the rest of the game. But the melee was not over yet. Later in the game a grounds crew worker got into a fight with Karim Garcia and Yankee reliever Jeff Nelson in the Yankee bullpen. What a game ... what a memory! Thank You Pedro!
For every Starting Pitcher you need good relievers and no relievers get any crazier than my closer, John Rocker:
There are a lot of things you could say about John Rocker. You could say he was a very competitve Closer. Attributed to the success of the Atlanta Pitching Staff.
He brought a lot of energy. He was a fan favorite. He is a racist. He doesn't like immigrants. He doesn't like unwed mothers. He doesn't like homosexuals. He hates New York. And he is why being a "Red-Neck" is a negitive connotation. Seriously, when Rocker went off no one was safe from being ridiculed. The only people who were spared were white, hunting, beer drinking "Good Ole'Boys." So West Virginia and Kentucky, you're cool! After John's interview about riding New York's #7 train. His career was basically over. John would then struggle with the Indians and he would bounce around in the Minors. However, Rocker is a fashion mogul. Rocker's line of clothing is highlighted by a plain black and white t shirt that says, "SPEAK ENGLISH." Nowadays Rocker has been getting his hands wet in the Public Relations business. The last I have heard, he was Tim Hardaway's PR guy, gee I hope it all works out!
Manager, Joe Mikulik
You don't know the name? But I will bet on the fact that you know who he is! Asheville Tourists manager Joe Mikulik went crazy after being ejected during a Class-A South Atlantic League game against the Lexington Legends. In the fifth inning, Asheville pitcher Brandon Durden attempted a pickoff throw. Koby Clemens of Lexington was called safe, and Mikulik ran out to first base umpire Andy Russell to argue. After Mikulik was ejected, he ran over and slid (Pete Rose style) into 2nd base before ripping out the bag and tossing it into the outfield. When Mikulik reached the dugout he tossed several bats onto the field before covering home plate with dirt and pouring water onto it. He then continued to argue with home plate umpire Stephen Barga, actually showing him where his strike zone should be. Mikulik finally would leave the field, but not before becomming the most famous Minor League Manager EVER
Wow. There you have it! You know I may not win any Championships with this team, but one thing is for sure. I will sell tickets!
Smile on people. Smile On!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The BEST you will ever see ...

2007 will go down as possibly the most infamous year in baseball history. Move over Chicago Black Sox, "Shoeless" Joe is about to have some company. His name is Barry Lamar Bonds and he is about to pass Hank Aaron as baseball's all time homerun leader. And maybe, just maybe Barry is the greatest baseball player you will ever see!!!!
Barry enters, what is believed to be his final season, needing only 22 homeruns to pass Hank Aaron as baseball's all-time homerun leader. Last season, he struggled to start the 06 campaign. Between finding his timing and just "trying to hard" Barry looked as if the injuries finally caught up to him. Barry ended the season strong, posting numbers that, for Barry Bonds, were sub par but overall not too bad.
(.270 avg. 26 Homeruns 77 RBI)
This season is a fresh start for #25. Barry entered the Giants camp full of life and ready to play ball like Barry Bonds. In the Giants first workout, on his first swing of his first at bat, Barry showed why he worked so hard this off season. With a small stride, a lightening quick top hand, and a baseball rapidly leaving the ball park, Barry showed everyone why 2007 will not be a replay of 2005 or 2006!!
Growing up in Western Maryland, I loved the Pittsburgh Pirates. I remember when Jeremy, Dave and I would play baseball at Washington Middle School. We all would take the outfield and we would "claim" a player. Dave would be Bobby Bonilla. Jeremy would be Andy Van Slyke. And, of course, I would Barry Bonds. Dude, I would even slap my leg with my glove as I waited to catch a fly ball a la Barry! The Pirates of the early 90's is where my love of baseball began. I can still name that entire team. Baseball was great then.And everyone knew that there was a Superstar to be playing left field for Pittsburgh. A 5 tool player who reminded us of Willie Mays, who even wore #24.
It has been almost 15 years since those days. Barry moved home to the Bay and the Pirates have moved to the basement. Kind of like that 35 year old dude living in his Mom's basement, listening to Motley Crew, proudly wearing a heavy metal mullet, smoking some Winstons and drinking Milwaukee's Best. But Barry's career was taking off! As more media exposure descended upon Barry, many people began to turn on him. He was labeled as cocky, arrogant, hard to please, and a bad teammate. The anti-Barry campaign really took off when he and former teammate Jeff Kent began fighting in the dugout during a game.

On June 25, 2002, cameras were rolling as Barry and Kent were seen engaged in a shouting match that quickly escalated into Barry shoving Jeff Kent. Both were key parts to the Giants success. But clearly the dugout was not big enough for the 2 monstrous egos. Well, it's almost 5 years later and Barry is still in town. Coincidence, I think not! The Giants finally figured out how much of a "tool" Kent is. Kent signed a HUGE contract. In that contract, was a revision that forbid him from riding a motorcycle. Kent decided to ride the bike. Then he pulled a Ben "Toothlessberger," wrecked the bike and messed his hand up, hurting the Giants season in the process.
Barry does not want to be in the lime light. He merely wants to go out, do his job and go home to his kids. Why is Barry stereotyped as a bad person? Charles Barkley had a Nike ad. where he said he wasn't a role model nor did he want to be a role model. Then in another occassion, he got drunk at a bar and threw a guy through a window and he has an admitted gambling problem. Yet, we love him. I could give you a list of screwed up people who we like way more than Barry. (Can you say John Daly?) Barry has every right not to talk to the media or any of us. If I were BB, I would have already tried to run reporters down with my car. If Barry would get on TV and say, "Baseball has been very, very good to me." Would we accept him? As I recall Mark McGwire, Rafeal Palmeiro and Sammy Sosa all testified in front of a Congressional Grand Jury. Big Mac and Mr. Viagra said that they had nothing to do with any performance enhancing drugs. Sosa said he couldn't even speak English. Aren't all 3 lies? Why do we not hear about investigation about possible indictments because of perjury?
If you were to poll most baseball fans, 75% would say that they dislike Barry. If you go to Los Angeles, many would probably wish bodily harm or an STD on the Giants left fielder. Barry takes all of that in stride. It is kind of like he gets stronger as people hate him. ESPN's Pedro Gomez, who seems to be EVERYWHERE Barry is, asked Barry what it is like to be booed in every away stadium. Barry said one of the greatest sports one liners ever. Barry said, "Hey, when you're being booed by 50,000 people, you know you're good!"
Though Barry is being booed by 50,001 people. The last and possibly most important person is baseball commissioner Bud Selig. The following are 3 ideas that I have about the whole Bud Selig/Barry Bonds circus.
1. He does not want Barry Bonds to break this record.
Selig hates Barry. Selig was not in attendance when Barry passed Willie Mays. Selig was not in attendance when Barry passed Babe Ruth. It may be safe to say that Jack Bauer may be called in to foil a terrorist plot when Barry gets close to 755. Plain and simply, Bud wishes Barry would just go away!
2. Bud Selig feels a connection to Hank Aaron.
Hank Aaron has been and will continue to be a great ambassador for the game of baseball. Hank broke the record for the Atlanta Braves. Who were the Milwaukee Braves. When Milwaukee finally got a team again, the Brewers, they were owned by Bud Selig. Does it feel like that 6 degrees to Kevin Bacon game yet?
3. Former owners of baseball teams shouldn't be allowed to have ANY power!
Remember the debacle of the All Star game a few years ago that ended in a tie in the 11th inning? Yeah that was Bud Selig's fault! Would it be fair to say that as he was the Chief Executive of the Milwaukee Brewers, perhaps Bud would dislike a franchise or 2? Are there teams or players Bud has animosity towards? Like, for instance, Theo Epstein (I know he does not own the Red Sox!) would ever become the Commissioner of Major League Baseball would he treat the New York Yankees fairly? Or would he come up with an "A Rod Clause." A clause stating that psychologists, tanning products, hair gel, and playoff success was a banned substance. As funny as that seems, it would not be very fair!
Still not convinced that former owners should not be allowed to have any high ranking power .....

But you know what? Bud Selig NEEDS Barry! Like him or not, thousands of people flock to see him. They cheer him or they boo him, regardless, Barry puts butts in seats. Thus, making a lot of money for Mr. Bud Selig as well as all owners. Bud must find a way to coexist with Barry. C'mon, how long did David Stern put up with Dennis Rodman? I think Bud can put up with Barry for a season or two. These 2 remind me of Ricky Bobby and Jacques Girard.
"God needs the Devil. The Beetles needed the Rolling Stones. Even Diane Sawyer needs Katie Couric. Can you be my Katie Couric?"

Barry Bonds will break Hank Aaron's record. And yes, Barry Bonds will always have the BALCO stuff and other negative press surrounding him. But in a day and age where he is targeted for steroids, but yet a 40+ pitcher who can still throw mid 90's for 6 or 7 innings is not questioned (I'm looking at you Roger), he is still the best player you will watch!!!
Along with my blogs, I am going to start doing surveys.
Today's survey:
Can you pick out the real Bud Selig?


Smile on people on!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Take me out to the ballgame ....

I don't care that we were blanketed with 6 inches of fresh snow. It's baseball season! I don't care that my basketball team just had it's first game. It's baseball season! I don't care that the Red Sox haven't even played an inter-squad game. It's baseball season. Do you want to know why I am so overzealous? Do you want to know why I am acting like a hyperactive kid on a caffeine bender? 1 word. 2 syllables.
Red Sox slugger Manny Ramirez showed up to camp on Friday. Now, I know what you're saying, "So what, everyone else was already there." And that is very, very true. But you see Manny had "special permission" to tend to the medical needs of his mother. His tentative arrival in Fort Myers was scheduled for Thursday March 1, at the earliest. But to the delight of the entire Red Sox Nation, Manny showed up 3 days earlier than expected. This simply means that either Manny is ready to start playing ball or he just got confused where he was and arrived at the facility on accident. (Let's go with the first idea!)
Manny enters season # 7 with the Boston Red Sox. Though this year, Manny is in an unfamiliar role. Comeback. Every "professional" baseball writer has Manny Ramirez losing his game, heck, he is even losing value in most fantasy baseball leagues! This season Manny will show everyone why he is the most feared right handed batter in baseball today still and a sure fired 1st ballott Hall of Famer!
In the final 6 weeks of the 2006 Season, Manny only played in 8 games. However, Manny wasn't the only Sox player to be banged up. Varitek was missed (See our pitching staff). Coco Crisp was playing injured. Papelbon, who was "lights out' during the first half, was out due to injury and Jon Lester was out with Cancer. But you see these things tend to go around full circle. Manny will be Manny. Varitek is healthy (Enter a cheer from the pitchers). Coco will be making us ask who Johnny Damon is by July. Papelbon is about to take his spot in the best rotation in Major League Baseball. And most importantly, Jon Lester is cancer free.
Now, I am well aware that it is early. For goodness sake's it's not even March yet and I am already "giddy" about this season. Though I am trying to curb my enthusiasm, especially after last year's collapse, I know now that baseball is a marathon and not a sprint. But we are out of the gate and in a hurry! Apparently we have the same trainer as Ben Johnson and Marion Jones!
But c'mon, give me a break. I have plenty of reasons to be excited:
Dice K - At first I was a little apprehensive about this whole thing. It cost 50 million dollars just to talk with the guy. However, I am slowly coming around on the notion of Dice K. The Red Sox will easily get the money back in jersey sales as he will become a global commodity.Though, I thought one thing was funny. After Dice K, Francona and Theo had the press conference holding up the #18 Sox jersey, the Red Sox website was quickly trying to make a quick buck. The site said, "Get your official Dice K jersey." They weren't official jerseys! They were recycled Johnny Damon jerseys !!! One more thing about my new favorite Japanese player, the gyroball. Is this thing legit or is it the result of a long night of sushi, karaoke and Japanese beer?
Curt Schilling - Is there anything that Curt is not an expert about? Well he can't predict the futre! The Red Sox opted not to re-sign Schill until after the season. I believe this is a smart move. Make Curt earn the 10-15 million he will be asking for. In the past 2 seasons he is 23-15 with an ERA of 4.86. Seriously, would you pay that much for this production? But Red Sox fans don't fret, Curt will be back. And he will be making his weekly rants on WEEI. Want to know why? He has made it painfully obvious that he has aspirations to run for some kind of office in Massachusetts. (Oh my gosh, I just had a vision .... Ted Kennedy and Curt Schilling together. I need a hug and a shower!) But Curt will go out and have a monster year, because there will be a check waiting for him!
Big Papi- Now I have not been to Fort Myers. But I have been reading reports and seeing video tape of David Ortiz and dude is ready to play. Big Papi must have joined that weight loss system that Dan Marino is selling. Papi reported to camp in the best shape of his playing career. OK, this is for you New York, Toronto, Baltimore and Tampa Bay. Manny is focused (by baseball not just shiny things) and Papi is in better shape. Your ERA'a are about to go up as high as Rosie O'Donnell's cholestorol!
JD Drew- The signing of "injury proned" Drew came under more fire than the Dice K negotiations. Yes, JD Drew has had his share of injuries. However, JD says those days are far behind him. Apparently JD has started a new dietary program. One that is solely based on eating foods found in the scriptures of the Bible. Let's hope for JD that this "divine diet" produces "heavenly health." Think about it ... Manny, Papi, and JD Drew pretty darn good!
CoCo Crisp- Seriously, I feel for this guy. He comes into Boston with the responsibility of making us forget all about Johnny Damon. Though injuries prevented us from finding our new Centerfielder. I believe CoCo has the most to prove in Boston in 2007. However, he has given us glimpses of what he can do. Last season, the Sox were playing the Mets at Fenway. Mets third baseman, David Wright sent a laser into the left/center gap. Coco sprints and makes possibly the second best catch of the season! He's going to be healthy this year folks. And he is going to do some remarkable things. Just you watch!
Jon Lester- This story is far more than just about a baseball player. Lester overcame Cancer and is now preparing to pitch this season.The organization backed him, his teammates backed him and the Red Sox Nation backed him. Jon Lester is Boston. Jon Lester exemplifies what Boston is. And if Jon Lester gets traded for Todd Helton or Chad Cordero after this ... I will feel stupid!
Let's go "idiots" ... "Cowboy Up" .... "We Believe," do whatever you have to do. We want another ring wicked bad!
PS. I'm missing the "Dirt Dog" already!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Reggie, not you!
A couple of years ago's SportsNation ran a mock election to run parallel with 2004 Presidential election. Instead of Bush vs. Kerry, this election pitted the Progressive Party against long time nemesis the Purist Party. Progressives love jumbo trons, sushi at Seahawks games, camouflage retro jerseys, eccentric touchdown celebrations and the Playstation3. Where as Purists love listening to replays on their walkmans, beer and hot dogs at Baltimore Colts games, Joe Thiesmann's single bar facemask and the Atari 2600. In 2004, the SportsNation canvassed the entire country looking for candidates to rule over the entire sports world. Millions of people emailed and gave their views on sports as well as their affiliation to each side. When the dust settled and the tumbleweed tumbled its way across the scene, 2 candidates were left standing. Each of whom would battle for one coveted spot. Vice President of the SportsNation. To my surprise, the candidate of the Progressive Part was my good friend Jamaal. It was awesome. He was featured on, did a phone interview, he took questions from fans in a debate style format and they even made an animated Jamaal on the website. Though this is a cool story and Jamaal and I did have some great sports experiences ( Like in 2004 when I explained to him how the Boston Red Sox could and WOULD overcome an 0-3 deficit to the Yankees to win the ALCS), this blog is not about Jamaal or his bid for SportsNation immortality. I was reminded of the whole Progressive/Purist debate this past weekend as I watched the
New Orleans Saints and Chicago Bears in the NFC Championship game.
For me anticipation was at a very high level. It could be compared to the excitement of the Celebrity Boxing producers from FOX during this whole Donald Trump/Rosie O'Donnell thing.(Can 2 people, not named Terrell Owens and Jerry Jones, be more irritating?) The "Monsters of the Midway" featuring that intimidating defense against the "feel good story" of all professional sports and offensive juggernaut !!!!! Brees vs. Grossman, Thomas Jones vs. Deuce McCallister, and Reggie Bush vs. Brian Urlacher. Wow. I thought it would be a few years until Bush was thrown onto the largest, well second largest, stage, the Conference Championship. Everyone in the house was asleep ( Just so I wouldn't wake Briley and Lindsay up, I watched the game on mute ... actually very peaceful!). However I was wide awake, I swear Hank Williams Jr was in my bathroom singing, "Are you ready for some football?"
The very second after Vince Young and his Texas Longhorns "upset" Reggie, Leinart and the gang, we were thrown into Mel Keiper Jr. land. All we heard was draft projections and comparisons. Reggie was definitely going to be a Texan, but wait Vince Young is from Houston, he's going to be a Texan, but wait Mario Williams is a cornerstone defensive player, he's going to be a Texan, but wait Emmitt Smith is on "Dancing with the Stars," he's never allowed in Texas again. Regardless of where Reggie would be come training camp, he was destined for greatness. Reggie Bush could be the next Barry Sanders, the next Walter Payton or even the next Gale Sayers. A silky smooth runner, with the vision and instinct of all 3 of the aforementioned backs. A human highlight reel (sorry Dominique) that could max out your TiVo in one game. And here is what people seem to like the most about Reggie. His professionalism. Reggie is a player from "Generation Next" who plays like he has done it all before. No self promotion. No fear that he will get into a drunken brawl outside of a strip joint. No fear that he will attempt to board a plane with a mysterious parsley-like, pungent substance that somehow does not prove to be marijuana. Reggie Bush is a Progessive athlete yet a Purist's dream. He has today's style with yesterday's class. However, this theory came under fire one snowy Sunday in January at Soldier Field.
After graduation from high school, we all thought it would be fun to enter our church in the local Adult Sunday School Basketball League. My friend Jeremy, my cousin Dave and I along with other good players made up a pretty good core of players. However there was one road block ahead of us. There was a rival team in this league composed of former All Area players. This seriously was a Western Maryland High School All Star team. They were still good players! I remember when we played them. We held our own. We were undersized and outmanned but we played a great first half. At halftime, we were only down by 6 points and feeling very good. As the buzzer sounded a 747 Jumbo Jet hit our chances of winning at 500 mph. Dave is a VERY,VERY outspoken person. As both teams walked back to their bench for halftime, Dave started mouthing off and taunting the other team, he even pushed one of their players down! You got to love Dave, when we were kids we were always waiting to see what he would do next. (Though having a child has mellowed him out big time ... Im talking elephant tranquilizer mellow!!!) As Dave walked off the court, Jeremy grabbed him and said something that I had forgotten about until Sunday when Reggie Bush seemed to have brought the Saints back. You know, when Reggie broke off that 90 yard run after the catch, followed by pointing at Brian Urlacher, followed by flipping into the end zone, and then followed by whatever dance that was. Jeremy said, "What are you doing? You do not want to piss guys like this off!" Boy, was he right!! I think we lost by 30 that game. All because the other team got motivated to kick our butts! Just as the Saints, we had this team on the ropes. They were reeling. Yet, we motivated them ... and they woke up!
When Reggie pointed at #54, flipped in the endzone and then danced, he loaded the gun that would end the Saints season. When this happened I said aloud, "No Reggie, don't do it!" The Saints had the Bears going in reverse. They were shocked and so were the fans at Soldier Field. The Saints were in control. That is until Reggie awakened them from their hibernation. When Reggie pointed/flipped/danced the score became 16-14 in favor of Chicago, the "Saints WERE coming," or so it seemed. However, after this play the Bears scored 25 unanswered points. The Bears defense became revitalized and played the same football it did in October.
Now Reggie will have to watch Super Bowl 41 like the rest of us, enjoying a great game, great commercials and praying that there are no "costume malfunctions" during the Prince halftime show. I am still astounded by "the powers that be" signing Prince to perform the halftime show at the largest televised sporting event in the country. That would be like having The Wiggles open for Metallica on their 2007 World Tour!
Smile on people, Smile on!
New Orleans Saints and Chicago Bears in the NFC Championship game.
For me anticipation was at a very high level. It could be compared to the excitement of the Celebrity Boxing producers from FOX during this whole Donald Trump/Rosie O'Donnell thing.(Can 2 people, not named Terrell Owens and Jerry Jones, be more irritating?) The "Monsters of the Midway" featuring that intimidating defense against the "feel good story" of all professional sports and offensive juggernaut !!!!! Brees vs. Grossman, Thomas Jones vs. Deuce McCallister, and Reggie Bush vs. Brian Urlacher. Wow. I thought it would be a few years until Bush was thrown onto the largest, well second largest, stage, the Conference Championship. Everyone in the house was asleep ( Just so I wouldn't wake Briley and Lindsay up, I watched the game on mute ... actually very peaceful!). However I was wide awake, I swear Hank Williams Jr was in my bathroom singing, "Are you ready for some football?"
The very second after Vince Young and his Texas Longhorns "upset" Reggie, Leinart and the gang, we were thrown into Mel Keiper Jr. land. All we heard was draft projections and comparisons. Reggie was definitely going to be a Texan, but wait Vince Young is from Houston, he's going to be a Texan, but wait Mario Williams is a cornerstone defensive player, he's going to be a Texan, but wait Emmitt Smith is on "Dancing with the Stars," he's never allowed in Texas again. Regardless of where Reggie would be come training camp, he was destined for greatness. Reggie Bush could be the next Barry Sanders, the next Walter Payton or even the next Gale Sayers. A silky smooth runner, with the vision and instinct of all 3 of the aforementioned backs. A human highlight reel (sorry Dominique) that could max out your TiVo in one game. And here is what people seem to like the most about Reggie. His professionalism. Reggie is a player from "Generation Next" who plays like he has done it all before. No self promotion. No fear that he will get into a drunken brawl outside of a strip joint. No fear that he will attempt to board a plane with a mysterious parsley-like, pungent substance that somehow does not prove to be marijuana. Reggie Bush is a Progessive athlete yet a Purist's dream. He has today's style with yesterday's class. However, this theory came under fire one snowy Sunday in January at Soldier Field.
After graduation from high school, we all thought it would be fun to enter our church in the local Adult Sunday School Basketball League. My friend Jeremy, my cousin Dave and I along with other good players made up a pretty good core of players. However there was one road block ahead of us. There was a rival team in this league composed of former All Area players. This seriously was a Western Maryland High School All Star team. They were still good players! I remember when we played them. We held our own. We were undersized and outmanned but we played a great first half. At halftime, we were only down by 6 points and feeling very good. As the buzzer sounded a 747 Jumbo Jet hit our chances of winning at 500 mph. Dave is a VERY,VERY outspoken person. As both teams walked back to their bench for halftime, Dave started mouthing off and taunting the other team, he even pushed one of their players down! You got to love Dave, when we were kids we were always waiting to see what he would do next. (Though having a child has mellowed him out big time ... Im talking elephant tranquilizer mellow!!!) As Dave walked off the court, Jeremy grabbed him and said something that I had forgotten about until Sunday when Reggie Bush seemed to have brought the Saints back. You know, when Reggie broke off that 90 yard run after the catch, followed by pointing at Brian Urlacher, followed by flipping into the end zone, and then followed by whatever dance that was. Jeremy said, "What are you doing? You do not want to piss guys like this off!" Boy, was he right!! I think we lost by 30 that game. All because the other team got motivated to kick our butts! Just as the Saints, we had this team on the ropes. They were reeling. Yet, we motivated them ... and they woke up!
When Reggie pointed at #54, flipped in the endzone and then danced, he loaded the gun that would end the Saints season. When this happened I said aloud, "No Reggie, don't do it!" The Saints had the Bears going in reverse. They were shocked and so were the fans at Soldier Field. The Saints were in control. That is until Reggie awakened them from their hibernation. When Reggie pointed/flipped/danced the score became 16-14 in favor of Chicago, the "Saints WERE coming," or so it seemed. However, after this play the Bears scored 25 unanswered points. The Bears defense became revitalized and played the same football it did in October.
Now Reggie will have to watch Super Bowl 41 like the rest of us, enjoying a great game, great commercials and praying that there are no "costume malfunctions" during the Prince halftime show. I am still astounded by "the powers that be" signing Prince to perform the halftime show at the largest televised sporting event in the country. That would be like having The Wiggles open for Metallica on their 2007 World Tour!
Smile on people, Smile on!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Art Monk: Hall of Famer minus the "Hoop-la"
This Christmas, Lindsay, Briley, my Mom and I drove back to my hometown of Cumberland, Maryland to celebrate the holidays with my family. It was a very productive Christmas us. I am not sure what we did but somehow we impressed Santa. I bought Lindsay the 3rd Season of "The OC," and the first 2 seasons of "Party of Five," along with some books and other little things she loves. As for Briley, we need to build an addition just for all of the toys she got. Man, they light up, they spin, they make noises, they vibrate they do everything, especially cause Daddy to step on them and fall down! And as for me, there was no coal in my stocking! I got the 9th season of the Simpsons, the 1st "24," the 7th "West Wing," a new putter, a pull cart for my clubs, a Veritek jersey to wear to Yankee Stadium, a Santana Moss lithograph, the newest U2 album (a must buy!) and many other things to make my Christmas a "Very Merry" one. However it was in Maryland where my cousin/brother and fellow Redskins enthusiast got me a gift that he knew would get me worked up. I remember opening the present. I then remember hearing Dave say to everyone, "Watch this!" I unwrapped the box I then removed the 7 pounds of newspaper protecting the gift. There was so much paper in there it would have made a "tree-hugger" weep. I remove the paper and I see a framed photo, then another, then another. Before my eyes was a piece of Burgundy and Gold memoribilia that ANY real Redskins fan would covet. Dave, Crystal (His wife) and TJ (their 3 year old) got me individual autographs of "The Posse." Right now if you are saying aloud who is "the Posse?" It's OK, I'll forgive you this time. "The Posse" was one of the NFL's most prolific wide reciever trios EVER! Ricky Sanders, Gary Clark and Art Monk terrorized defenses from the mid 80's until the early 90's. It was beautiful. Ricky Sanders was your slot reciever. Gary Clark was your "burner." Art Monk was your dependable "possession reciever." Those 3 could kill you. Between them and that intimadating "Counter Trey" of the first Joe Gibbs regime. The Washington Redskins were one of the elite offensive teams. This gift is very special to me because this is the time period where I stopped watching Mr. Rogers and "Trollie" and I started watching Redskins running back George Rogers and the monsterous Joe Jacoby. (I am in no way comparing Joe Jacoby to "Trollie!") As the night ended and we watched the Eagles and Cowboys play, I began to form blueprints in my head. Where will I place these autographs? Where in my office will these masterpieces flourish into the centerpiece of my "testostorone palace?" However my thought was interrupted. I began thinking that Art Monk was not enshrined in Canton, Ohio. The classiest and greatest reciever in Redskins history is not in the Hall of Fame. Then the tornado that is my mind, cycloned back to last summer .....
I remembering watching SportsCenter. The lead story was that this years candidates for the Pro Football Hall of Fame were announced. Steve Young, Troy Aikman and then I heard it. It still brings shivers down my spine. The name: Michael Irvin.
To be totally honest with you, I was mad. I was playing out the scenario in my head. Michael "I swear it's not mine," "I swear I have glaucoma" Irvin being inducted into the Hall before Art Monk. It's bad enough Irvin was/is a Cowboy. It's bad enough he was part of the most dominant trio of the 90's. It's bad enough the Cowboys ruled the mid 90's. It's bad enough that Irvin does not mind shameless self promotion. Did I mention it's bad enough Irvin was/is a Cowboy? But C'mon people Michael Irvin before Art Monk, are you serious? To my child-like delight, "the Playmaker" failed to gain enough votes for induction. Though, this sparked a thought in mind. Until Art gets into the Hall, I will have to wrestle with this every year! However, I should not have to go through this battle of good vs. evil. Art Monk is a Hall of Fame caliber player without a doubt. Even if those voting on this seem to have the intellectual capacity of those guys who dress up like rejects from a KISS concert at every Raiders game.
I will prove to you that Art Monk deserves to be the next wide reciever to have his Burgundy and Gold #81 in Canton, Ohio.
The following is a statistical list of noteable "modern day" HALL OF FAME wide recievers as well as Art Monk.
Steve Largent 819
James Lofton 764
Fred Biletnikoff 589
John Stallworth 537
Lynn Swann 336
Receiving Yards:
James Lofton 14,004
Steve Largent 13,089
ART MONK 12,721
Fred Biletnikoff 8,974
John Stallworth 8,723
Lynn Swann 5,462
Steve largent 100
Fred Bilenikoff 76
James Lofton 75
John Stallworth 63
Lynn Swann 51
Art's career statistics are far better than those of Pittsburgh teammates, John Stallworth and Lynn Swann. Many will argue that if Stallworth and Swann were not on the same team their stats would explode. This may be true. However during his career Art had to share footballs with Charlie Brown (not the 10 year old with thinning hair!), Gary Clark and Ricky Sanders.
How impressive would his stats of been if Art was the "main attraction?" However Art would attribute those 3 rings he wears today, to his teammates. Can you say "Class Act?"
He wasn't flashy. He never danced. He played the game of football exactly how it is supposed to be played. Art Monk was "Mr. Dependable" for the Washington Redskins. Along with Clark and Sanders, Monk was a key part of the most elite offensive machine of the 1980's as well as 1990 and 1991.
Maybe Irvin will get in first, but he shouldn't. Irvin was surrounded by names such as Aikman, Emmitt, Novacek and Moose Johnston. Art was surrounded by his Posse and names like Mark Rypien, Doug Williams, George Rogers, Timmy Smith and Donnie Warren. Advantage Irvin. Maybe Art should have danced. Maybe he should have show boated. Maybe he should have coined himself a nice nickname. Maybe he should have grabbed every microphone around and told us about how good he really is. And maybe he should have talked in the third person. But that wouldn't have worked, we would have reminded him that he is a Washington Redskin ..... not a Cowboy.
Art, when you finally get in, everything will be right in the football universe!
I remembering watching SportsCenter. The lead story was that this years candidates for the Pro Football Hall of Fame were announced. Steve Young, Troy Aikman and then I heard it. It still brings shivers down my spine. The name: Michael Irvin.
To be totally honest with you, I was mad. I was playing out the scenario in my head. Michael "I swear it's not mine," "I swear I have glaucoma" Irvin being inducted into the Hall before Art Monk. It's bad enough Irvin was/is a Cowboy. It's bad enough he was part of the most dominant trio of the 90's. It's bad enough the Cowboys ruled the mid 90's. It's bad enough that Irvin does not mind shameless self promotion. Did I mention it's bad enough Irvin was/is a Cowboy? But C'mon people Michael Irvin before Art Monk, are you serious? To my child-like delight, "the Playmaker" failed to gain enough votes for induction. Though, this sparked a thought in mind. Until Art gets into the Hall, I will have to wrestle with this every year! However, I should not have to go through this battle of good vs. evil. Art Monk is a Hall of Fame caliber player without a doubt. Even if those voting on this seem to have the intellectual capacity of those guys who dress up like rejects from a KISS concert at every Raiders game.
I will prove to you that Art Monk deserves to be the next wide reciever to have his Burgundy and Gold #81 in Canton, Ohio.
The following is a statistical list of noteable "modern day" HALL OF FAME wide recievers as well as Art Monk.
Steve Largent 819
James Lofton 764
Fred Biletnikoff 589
John Stallworth 537
Lynn Swann 336
Receiving Yards:
James Lofton 14,004
Steve Largent 13,089
ART MONK 12,721
Fred Biletnikoff 8,974
John Stallworth 8,723
Lynn Swann 5,462
Steve largent 100
Fred Bilenikoff 76
James Lofton 75
John Stallworth 63
Lynn Swann 51
Art's career statistics are far better than those of Pittsburgh teammates, John Stallworth and Lynn Swann. Many will argue that if Stallworth and Swann were not on the same team their stats would explode. This may be true. However during his career Art had to share footballs with Charlie Brown (not the 10 year old with thinning hair!), Gary Clark and Ricky Sanders.
How impressive would his stats of been if Art was the "main attraction?" However Art would attribute those 3 rings he wears today, to his teammates. Can you say "Class Act?"
He wasn't flashy. He never danced. He played the game of football exactly how it is supposed to be played. Art Monk was "Mr. Dependable" for the Washington Redskins. Along with Clark and Sanders, Monk was a key part of the most elite offensive machine of the 1980's as well as 1990 and 1991.
Maybe Irvin will get in first, but he shouldn't. Irvin was surrounded by names such as Aikman, Emmitt, Novacek and Moose Johnston. Art was surrounded by his Posse and names like Mark Rypien, Doug Williams, George Rogers, Timmy Smith and Donnie Warren. Advantage Irvin. Maybe Art should have danced. Maybe he should have show boated. Maybe he should have coined himself a nice nickname. Maybe he should have grabbed every microphone around and told us about how good he really is. And maybe he should have talked in the third person. But that wouldn't have worked, we would have reminded him that he is a Washington Redskin ..... not a Cowboy.
Art, when you finally get in, everything will be right in the football universe!
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