Wednesday Night I rushed home. Not for an NBA game, not to use the restroom, not to eat dinner but to watch, not one, but two reality TV shows. The first being Survivor and then I would cap the night off with the American Idol results show. Now I am not sure if you watch Survivor. When I met Lindsay, her family lured me into this cult. I am sure all of you know the premise for the show but just in case you don't allow me to paint you a picture. Survivor is a lot like MTV's The Real World. Except for the fact that CBS places contestants, from all walks of life, on a deserted island in hopes there are no tribal cannibals living on it. MTV finds a bunch of spoiled kids and puts them in a luxury filled house. This doesn't seem very real to me. Just once couldn't they do Real World Compton? I don't now what it is but we are drawn to Survivor, we talk about it at dinner, we have sent in application videos to be on the show, Lindsay's brother and I have even driven to places to do a live try outs, and 2 seasons ago we definitely played Fantasy Survivor. *sniff* I am so ashamed.
The very second Survivor went off we switched the channel to Fox. The result show was on. This was to be the night. My night of joy. The culmination of suffering. Sanjaya was going home. However, tonight would not be the night and every fiber of hope in our country was gone. Sanjaya was not even in the bottom 2. Sanjaya was yet again, safe. My joy turned to disbelief. My disbelief then turned to anger for I know how he keeps getting by. He is wicked popular with the "tweenies." The young girls of 11, 12 and 13 who mistake being a freak with being cute. So in that moment of time I made a proclamation. You see, to vote for your favorite "Idol" you need to send a text message to the show. And because the "tweenies" are keeping him on the show, they must have access to a cell phone. These are the same brats you see at the mall with cell phones. I couldn't remember my own phone number when I was that age, let alone carry a cell phone. So here is my proclamation. For every "tweenie" I see carrying a phone, I am going to punch the Daddy of this kid in the stomach. For 2 reasons, first and foremost for keeping Sanjaya on the freaking show and second for even allowing a child that young to have their own phone. What can I say, I am a public servant! However these misguided youth are not the only ones putting me through this musical Hell. There is a website formed to encourage people to vote for the "worst American Idol." If you go to you will find a cult following of people who are comitted to making Sanjaya Malakar the next American Idol. Add this to the nation's top "shock jock" and perhaps the ugliest man to ever have a chance at dating a super model, Howard Stern. Who has been an avid Sanjaya supporter and we could see Sanjaya win it all. Hmmm ... I wonder if there's any room in Canada, eh? (By the way, shout outs to Jeremy and Ryan for giving me some Sanjaya info.)
Though all of this talk of the "Reality world" invading my television got me to think. I believe there is one man in sports who deserves his own Reality TV Show. Not Barry, "Bonds on Bonds" kind of sucked. Hulk Hogan, "Hogan Knows Best" is kind of lame. I believe VH1 or ESPN 8 "The Ocho" heck maybe even Lifetime or as I call it, "The Estrogen Channel," needs to do a reality series on "Charlie Hustle" Pete Rose.

Last week on the Dan Patrick Show, Rose admitted that he bet on baseball. Though, I don't blame him. Pete never bet against the Reds, he bet on the Reds! I play a lot of sports. My basketball team could be playing Jesus and the 12 Disciples and I would guarantee a win. I mean c'mon, Jesus can walk on water!!! Imagine what he can do with the rock? But me and the faith I have in my team would force me to place a wager on me and my boys!I mean, of course, my team would get spanked but I think we would have a chance! I see no fault in Pete betting on the Cincinnati Reds. The Reds of the 1970's were the "Big Red Machine." They were the most dominate team of the decade, I would have bet on them too!
However, in most circles (of people who have never played ball) Pete has committed the ultimate sin. Forever shall he remain in limbo in MLB's purgatory. Never reaching the heaven that is Cooperstown, New York. When Pete retired, he retired with 19 major League baseball records. 19 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those records are:
Most career hits (4,256) Most games played (3,562)
Most at bats (14,053) Most career singles (3,215)
Seasons w/ 200+ hits (10) Seasons w/ 100+ hits (23)
Seasons w/ 600+ at bats (17) Seasons w/ 150+ games played (17)
Seasons w/ 100+ games played (23) Most years played (24)
Most Consecutive years played (24)Most career runs (2,156)
Most career doubles (746) Most games w/ 5+ hits (10)
Most total bases in a career by a switch hitter (5,752)
Most career games playing for the winning team (1,972)
Only player to play at least 500 games a 5 different positions (1B,2B,3B,LF,RF)
NL Record- 44 Game Hitting Streak
NL Record- Achieved 20+ consecutive game hitting streak (7 times)
The numbers speak for themselves. Pete's induction into the Hall of Fame is long overdue. Pete's window for baseball's highest honor is rapidly closing. Soon, a veteran's committee will have to get Pete in the Hall. And, no pun intended, but this will be Pete's best bet. Though, Pete's teammates will tell you that he should already be there. In many circumstances, they have been very vocal in his absence.
When Riverfront/Cinergy Field was imploded teammates spray painted the number "14" on the field, in honor of a man who gave that stadium life as well as many memories. It is fitting that the final run to ever be scored at Cinergy was made by Pete. The winning run of his annual celebrity fundraiser softball game.
There are alcoholics, adulterers, abusers, drug addicts,cheaters and jerks in the Hall of Fame. It's sad when baseball thinks it is so "high and mighty" to accept these faults but yet exclude Pete and his baggage. Should he have bet on the Reds during his playing days .. probably not. Did he go out and bust his butt and help his team win every day. You can bet on it!
PS. But don't feel bad for Petie ... he is making the best of this whole situation. You can go to and buy an autographed baseball. A ball that will be inscribed to you. And on this ball, he will personally apologize to you for betting on baseball. Help Pete, help You!

Smile On People, Smile on ...
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